
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

IWSG: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 ~ Inspiration!

It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Joylene Nowell ButlerRonel Janse van Vuuren, Meka James, Diane Burton, Victoria Maries Lees, and, M Louise Barbour ~ Fundy Blue!

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is: 
When you are working on a story, what inspires you?

Happy May, Everyone! 
I hope you had a happy and creative April.
We had a very hectic month with a surprise trip to the Caribbean thrown in.

Terry hates the cold and the snow, 
and he was quickly looking for an escape, however brief.
He must have been desperate, because he booked us on a cruise,
something I've been campaigning for unsuccessfully for years.
So I found myself unexpectedly in Puerto Rico 
and the Caribbean islands of St. Thomas, St. Kitt's, and St. Maarten.

Shipwreck Beach
Saint Kitts and Nevis
April 17, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

This month's question asks what inspires you when you are working on a story.
Usually what pulls me into a story is a combination 
of a landscape, a character, and an emotion.

I grew up in a variety of places where human lives were intimately tied to their landscapes.
Because I lived in isolated, rural areas or very small villages and towns,
I found inspiration in nature and wilderness.  I still do.

So when I wrote my short story "Ugly Little Bastards," 
the wild Newfoundland landscape was a powerful element in the story 
as Lockie wrestled with a decision that would direct the course of his life.

A Winter Walk
Westport, White Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Note:  This has nothing to do with the location of Lockie's story 
which is eight miles from Westport.
I updated to a new version of MacOS two days ago, 
and almost all of my Newfoundland photos have vanished.

But, as I lived most of my adult life in urban areas,
I quickly realized that a landscape isn't always rural or wild.
It's whatever environment surrounds you.

Old San Juan
Puerto Rico
April 14, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Characters come to me pretty easily, but they are always tied to a landscape
and they usually present themselves to me with a powerful emotion.
When I wrote my short story "Dare, Double Dare," 
Aimée suddenly burst into the story radiating panic.
I want to return to her as a character and find out more about her.

Replica of Champlain's habitation at the Port-Royal National Historic Site of Canada 
Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Writing a story is a process of discovery for me.
I have to write to figure out who my character is
and why he or she is appearing with a strong emotion in a particular landscape.
It's a slow, circular path, but it works for me.

What inspires me and helps me as I write is music.
Music can capture a place, a person, and absolutely an emotion.
Sometimes as I'm writing, I will play a song over and over until I'm finished with a scene.
I can drive Terry nuts ~ lol!

Terry Serving in Pickleball
Somewhere in the North Atlantic
April 19, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Terry's Exact Location
Isn't technology something else!
April 19, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

So, of course, I have a music video to share.
It's not related to anything I'm writing.
It's related to a powerful emotion I'm feeling now:  joy!
My Graves disease is in remission!

I feel like my old self, like I've woken up from a twenty-two-month-long nightmare.
So what if I'll likely have to have an operation to finally fix my wayward left eye!
I have energy and hope, and I'm making progress with my writing! 

I found this version of "Stand By Me," because my kitchen TV croaked,
and I've been listening to music on YouTube for hours and hours.
The song is performed by the Playing For Change Band live in Brazil.
What I see in the faces of the musicians and singers is joy.
"Fica comigo" means "stay with me" in Portuguese.

Playing For Change is a multimedia music project, 
that features musicians and singers from around the world.
It was co-founded in 2002 by Mark Johnson and Whitney Kroenke. 
In 2007 Playing For Change created  a separate non-profit organization
called the Playing For Change Foundation. 
It builds music and art schools for children around the world.

Enjoy IWSG Day.  Stay happy and safe.

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue


  1. I am so glad that your Graves Disease is in remission - and hooray for joy. Loved reading about your inspirations too.

    1. Hi, Sue! I'm thankful that I can finally walk again without major problems. One of my favorite walks is in our nearby park where I can immerse myself in nature. I've been observing changes there over the past seventeen years. The animals, the plants, and the changes in the topography are endlessly fascinating. Have a great day, my friend!

  2. haha well I guess there is a plus to the snow and cold, you finally get what you want. Hopefully it was a fun cruise and you came back to no more of that white crap.

    Setting can play a big part indeed. Fun to throw characters into different areas and see what comes out of it. lol I can see how playing the same song a bazillion times over may annoy.

    Great news that you are back to yourself too.

    1. Thanks, Pat! We did have a last on the Celebrity Millennium. When we landed at DIA, it was cool and the roads were clear and dry, and there was hardly any snow except on the mountains. "Yes!" I thought, but when I opened the blinds the next morning several inches of the white crap covered everything. We've had several snowfalls since.

      One of the fun things about your books is the settings you throw your characters into. You write without fear, and that's another thing I enjoy about your writing! Take care, my friend!

  3. Off on another adventure! You do love to travel.
    Music is always an inspiration to me.

    1. I do love to travel, Alex! It is one of the biggest joys in my life. Have a fun time visiting around today!

  4. What a great exciting life you lead

    1. Hi, Roentare! Blogger is disappearing some of my comments, and I wish I knew why. Yours is one of the disappeared replies. Yes, I do love to travel! You might say I live to travel. I hope all is well with you!

  5. I enjoyed your lovely post today. Keep going, keep writing, have fun, hugs, Valerie

    1. Hugs back at you Valerie! I am thankful every day when I wake up and I have another day to experience. Terry miraculously survived a widow-maker heart attack 754 days ago (Yes, I count the precious days with gratitude), and that rocked my world! Then Graves for me. I'm aware of how fleeting life is, so I'm doing my best to appreciate it, good and bad. Wishing you an awesome day!

  6. Your photos are always an inspiration all on their own. :) I love listening to music so much, but not while I write. It's a distraction for me.

    T. Powell Coltrin Writes @

    1. Hi, Teresa! I admit that sometimes music can distract me. I have a crush on Clarence Milton Bekker who sings in the video and stands a lot of the time by Grandpa Elliot. He has so much joy in his face, and he sings with his entire body. Terry has nothing to worry about, though. I'm crushing on joy and beauty. Have a great day!

  7. Beautiful pictures as always, Fundy. I love nature, and I forgot how nature inspires me too. If the weather ever breaks, I love taking walks in the woods and I'm hopeful these walks will motivate me to get back to my writing.

    Thank you for co-hosting!

    1. Thanks, Cathrina! The world is an amazing place, and I enjoy capturing it in my photos. I hope that your weather improves and you return to walking in nature ~ and writer. You are such a good writer! Take care!

  8. Have fun on your cruise. It sounds awesome. Glad that music inspires you. It inspires a lot of people.

    1. We had a ball on our cruise, Natalie! I loved experiencing San Juan and some of the Caribbean islands. Of course I want to go back! Enjoy today!

  9. You got to do a cruise! How fun. We've only been on one but it was wonderful.

    1. It was so much fun, Diane! I'm actively campaigning for another! Have a fun IWSG Day!

  10. What a great version of one of my favorite songs!! So glad things are getting better for you. Your attitude can give your heart (and your fingers!) wings. LOVE the Islands and have enjoyed several visits. Actually wrote the better part of one of my contemporaries on our room's balcony watching the sun come up over the water while my roommates were still asleep. Ahhhh! I can still taste that salty air . . .

    1. I'm glad that you enjoyed this version of the song, Nancy. I want to return to the islands. I had a brief taste of their beauty and vibrancy. And the people are wonderful. I was so busy that I couldn't write in my diary, and I read not one word in the book I brought with me to read. This was probably the longest time in my life that I didn't write and read ~ lol! I wanted to experience everything. I already have a short story bubbling up. Happy writing to you!

  11. So glad to hear your Graves Disease is in remission, that's such great news! But sorry to hear about the loss of your Nfld photos -- damn upgrade! And thanks for the memory of Port-Royal -- I was there the last time I was in Nova Scotia!

    1. Thanks, Debra! Somewhere I have my all memory cards from my camera. But where I don't know. It's driving me crazy. My brain was in such a fog the past couple of years, especially after Covid. All I know is they are somewhere "safe." I love Port Royal! Isn't it a fun place! Have a great day. Hugs to you!

  12. Love the post and so much truth in it. I enjoy when setting becomes a character--or even a plot point as it sounds like yours does.

    1. Hi, Jacquie! Oh, I wish I thought of plot point! You saw clearly what wasn't coming out of me as well. Setting for me is a combination of character, plot, and emotion. One thing that I have loved about your books is their incredible sense of place and how that impacts your characters. I often flash back in my mind to things in your novels. Enjoy the day!

  13. Beautiful photo of Shipwreck Beach!

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Joining the Creator Economy

    1. Thanks, Ronel! I loved Shipwreck Beach! It was heaven! Have a fun day!

  14. Love the photos. Landscape means a lot to me, so no surprise it is an important element in my novels. I felt like a bit of a cheater when I wrote Kiss of the Assassin because I hadn't been to Vietnam. The guilt only grew over time so I finally travel to that part of the world in 2019. It was everything I imagined, go figure. Thanks for co-hosting, my dear friend.

    1. Hi, Joylene! What a wonderful reason for traveling to Vietnam ~ lol! I wonder if Terry would go for something like that! Your novel didn't suffer from your having never been to Vietnam. Think of all the writers who do world building. You were doing that too, except it was building in our world. It must have been gratifying to find Vietnam as you had imagined it. Thank you for co-hosting too! Big hugs to you!

  15. Yay for Terry. Now he knows how to escape the cold! Loved your ideas for inspiration and glad they work for you.

    1. Yes, Terry does know how to escape the cold, Lee. He's turning me into a wimp ~ lol! I hope you are feeling lots of inspiration this month!

  16. What an absolutely joyful post! Congratulations on the remission. I've battled long term chronic illness and I know what an absolute RELIEF it is when it finally subsides and you're able to feel like your real self. So many things inspire me when I'm writing. I usually get a character and first and then have to write a landscape around them. Enjoy your cruise! Sounds like a lovely way to while away the days :)

    1. Thanks, Jen! I'm sorry you have had to deal with a long term chronic illness. I so get the absolute RELIEF when it subsides. I always associate cruising with lounging on a deck chair in the sunshine, maybe reading a good book. Ha! I was going nonstop, because there were so many fascinating things to do and see! It's a good thing our cruise ended when it did, because I might have dropped from exhaustion ~ lol. You and I are opposites; my characters emerge from a landscape. I've always been powerfully connected to the landscape around me, even as a small child. That's the geologist in me, I guess. Happy May to you! Thanks for visiting!

  17. A surprise trip to the Caribbean sounds pretty nice. My wife and I have a surprise trip to Florida coming up in a week or so. I thought the trip would be happening later in the summer and then something came up to change our plans. That's okay I guess since we're both retired.

    Music is definitely a big factor when I write. I like to put on symphonies or some other classical instrumental music. It's like a film score for my writing.


    1. Hi, Lee! I hope you and your wife have a wonderful time in Florida! Isn't retirement great?! I am thankful every day for the gift of being retired, especially after working so hard for many years. I'm listening to Journey right now. You Tube changed its format and started putting together playlists for me. Boy do they have me figured out! And I've discovered music I never would have heard of otherwise. Don't let anything with big teeth bite you in Florida!

  18. A serendipity trip! That would inspire me - Thanks for co-hosting this month and for bringing joy into my home. I traveled along with you via your photos.

    1. Thanks, PJ! I certainly have a lot of new things to write about after spending time in the beautiful Caribbean. It's impossible for me to post a blog without a photo ~ lol!

    2. Hi, PJ! I just tried to access your blog posts and I keep getting this message: "There has been a critical error on this website." I don't know what's going on, but I thought you might like to know.

  19. Great news about your health! Wondering if the photos aren't in there somewhere--with a somehow changed path to location (even if you were using a photo app that isn't supported by the new OS nothing should be deleted in the process). Good luck with that!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca! I'll eventually figure out where the photos have disappeared to. Fingers crossed!

  20. I wish I was surprised with a cruise. That'd be awesome!

    1. It was an awesome surprise, Loni! Even after forty years together, Terry can still floor me sometimes. Thanks for visiting!

  21. I feel your joy over your Graves disease in remission. Plus a Caribbean cruise!
    We live near Puerto Vallarta, MX so I appreciate the rich inspiration Puerto Rico and surrounding islands can offer.
    Have you considered wireless blue tooth headphones as you listen to YouTube music? Maybe a reward for Terry taking you on a cruise? LOL
    Thanks for co-hosting our May IWSG blog hop.
    Lynn La Vita

    1. I loved San Juan, Puerto Rico and the islands I visited, Lynn. Now I want to return and see more. Thanks for the headphones suggestion. Fortunately we have an upstairs and a downstairs which helps ~ lol!

  22. I'm with Terry on the cold and snow and escaping it!

    1. I like snow, but it's definitely fun to escape it. Thanks for visiting, Patricia!

  23. I'm glad your heath has improved. Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thanks, Melissa! It does feel wonderful to feel like myself again. Thanks for visiting.

  24. Other people inspire me. This is an uplifting post in so many ways. Thank you!

    1. Thanks, Janice! I'm glad you found my post uplifting! Thanks for visiting!

  25. it is hard to define that how serene i felt to hear from you dear Louise !
    you were in my heart ,thoughts and prayers all the time my friend ,now it is such pleasure to know that things are improving for you and you will be feeling perfectly fine after one operation hopefully!
    your cruise trip to Puerto Rico sounds amazing and i hope you enjoyed this and brought many captured memories to share with us :)
    what a coincidence that this beautiful song is among those which i am listening daily and repeatedly during my kitchen chores :) stand by me has power to connect with divine power instantly (to me) loved this version either :)
    i can imagine what a great help music can be in stressful times i have been taking this support for years in past so best of luck !
    thinking of you with heart full of prays ! hugs

    1. Hi, dear Baili! It is so good to hear from you. You, Ali, and your sons are always in my thoughts and prayers.

      I see my regular eye doctor in a few weeks, and I'll find out what he recommends. My Graves eye doctor was recommending the operation. I will likely have to go to a pediatric eye surgeon, because they work a lot with eye muscles behind the eye. Meanwhile, I'm pretty used to seeing a doubled, odd world ~ lol!

      I have lots to share about our trip to the Caribbean. San Juan in Puerto Rico was fabulous, and the sun-soaked Caribbean islands were beautiful. The colors of the tropical waters were gorgeous: turquoise, green, purple, and all sun-sparkled!

      I play "Stand By Me," the Playing for Change version, 3 or 4 times a day, mostly when I'm doing chores in my kitchen. You and I are simpatico! I absolutely love the song. I, too, feel a divine connection when I listen to it. I also feel connected to all people around the world. I can now belt out, "Fica Comigo" in Portuguese with the best of them in the audience!

      Music has always been important to me. But during Covid I got too sucked into the news, and I wasn't listening to enough music. Hugs to you, me precious friend!

  26. While it must have been a bit disruptive, it seems to me that must have been a lovely adventure. And yes, a definite source of inspiration.

    Glad to hear you are in remission. Autoimmune disorders make life extra challenging

    1. Hi, Eden "Kymele." I'm so glad you visited. Our cruise was a lovely adventure, every minute! I'm thrilled to be in remission, and so grateful. Have a happy and creative May!

  27. Hi Louise! Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month. A cruise? Wonderful. Lucky you! I can't listen to music as I write. I need quiet. Unfortunately. I also look for "inspiration in nature and wilderness." Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, Victoria! I grew up in a noisy home with four siblings, all of us born within nine years. I need noise ~ lol! Spring is slowly warming up our area, so I've been walking in our neighborhood park this week. I hadn't been able to walk in it for quite a while because of those pesky broken bones that sidelined me in the late fall and early winter. It's been magical. Today I saw a water skipper dancing on clouds reflected in a quiet pool. That filled my heart let me tell you. I hope you are able to get outside into nature and wilderness a lot! Take care!

  28. I recently visited Puerto Rico, too (though not as part of a cruise). Beautiful! Thanks for hosting. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. I fell in love with Puerto Rico, Samantha! I can't wait to go back! All the best to you!

  29. A wonderful post. The photos are amazing. Glad you had a good time, Louise.

    1. Thanks, Nicole! We did have a blast! I'll be back in full swing next week. I have a lot to share. Have a wonderful week! Hugs to you!

  30. I can't help but wonder if you ever hear the wistful sighs your posts never fail to coax from me ;-) I always feel so enlightened - and inspired - by your journey. A vacation cruise is indeed a most fantastic surprise! Your pictures are great, and what a nice rendition of Stand by Me.
    Thanks so much for co-hosting and sharing your sweet self with the rest of us ;-)

    1. Oh Diedre, your lovely comment filled my heart. Thank you for your kind words. Hugs to you!

  31. Hooray for good health news! And it sounds like your cruise was wonderful. I haven't been on one since I was a teenager. Husband and I have been talking about booking one in the next year or two.

  32. Thanks for co-hosting this month and for always sharing such nice images. I like that you are inspired by nature. Sorry to hear about your images. I'm struggling with the coversion to a Mac with my own issues. I too use music to help me hone inspiration. Congratulations on remission!

  33. I decided to do a look back and checked out this post. I love that vintage photo from Newfoundland. I swear winters used to be snowier, and that's even taking in Climate change. Of course being young and shorter I suppose they did look snowier. THis is a fun post, and I'm glad I stopped by. I didn't know you were a writer.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.