
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

IWSG: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 ~. Everything's Coming Up Roses!

It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Janet Alcorn

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.

This month's featured question is: 
How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

Happy April, Everyone!
I hope you are enjoying the beginning of a new season that arrived with the equinox.
Spring has sprung or summer is done.
Regardless, I wish you happiness and creativeness.
Meanwhile, everything's coming up roses for me!

Oh, Terry!  You Shouldn't Have!
March 27, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

Just kidding ~ Terry didn't envelop me in roses!
I just have a rosy outlook, 
which feels wonderful after the challenges I've faced since April 10, 2021.

I seem to have turned a big corner healthwise and so has Terry,
incrementalism is easing my stress and helping me accomplish personal goals,
and I'm working on my memoir on a regular schedule again. 

Gorgeous Roses! 
Fontainebleau Las Vegas
The Strip, ⁨Las Vegas, Nevada, ⁨United States
March 27, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

All the Pretty Roses! 
Fontainebleau Las Vegas
The Strip, ⁨Las Vegas, Nevada, ⁨United States
March 27, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

I'm so glad that this month's question is about blogging!
This genre has sustained me throughout my retirement.
I launched my blog "Standing Into Danger on August 14, 2012,
and, no matter what happened throughout the years since,
I have blogged regularly and published 760 posts, not counting this one.
Whenever I was discouraged about my "real" writing,
I would remind myself that blogging was writing too, 
and I was doing it!  I was a writer.

Fontainebleau Las Vegas
March 27, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

(We won't mention my defunct "Mrs. Barbour's Wonderful World of Science blog,
which published one post on Asian and African elephants and then shut down.
My school district had encouraged its elementary teachers
to start classroom blogs, particularly to engage young boys.

Well, I went for it, circa 2010, publishing photos I had taken
at Sairung Elephant Camp outside Khao Lak, Thailand.  
And then, I discovered to my chagrin, that my highly engaged third grade boys
had figured out how to enlarge the photos I had embedded in my post ~
large enough to see the outline of the breasts of a woman
riding an elephant while wearing a sheer blouse.
Blog terminated immediately, photo deleted immediately ~ lol!)  
Feeding the Asian Elephant That I Rode 
Sairung Elephant Camp
Outside of Khao Lak, Thailand ⁨United States
December 14, 2008
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

There are several things I especially like about blogging.
First, over the years it has honed my writing skills, for which I am grateful.
Next, posting about my family's time in the North became the basis for my memoir. 
Then, blogging allowed me to showcase my photography,
which I love pursuing almost as much as writing.
Finally, and most importantly, I treasure the friendships I've built over the years.

It's the friendships, the relationships, I've made that have kept me blogging.
I have special friends all around the world, both in the IWSG and outside it.
Some, like Pat Hatt, I've met in person, and I hope to meet more!
I've found understanding, encouragement, and support.
Often my online friends get me more than my offline friends.

Terry and I with Pat
Smith's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada
July 28, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue. All Rights Reserved

The biggest change I have seen is that the number of people blogging has decreased.
It is a time-consuming undertaking, and our lives have gotten busier and busier,
so I understand why some people have stopped blogging.
I worry that it will die out as a form of communication in future years.
But, then again, maybe not, because friendship is a powerful motivator.

Fontainebleau Las Vegas
March 27, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

Have a creative and fulfilling April!
Enjoy IWSG Day!  And a big thank you to the co-hosts!   

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

My next post will be soon!🤞


  1. When I found the blogosphere I felt I had come home. I treasure the friends I have found/made here. You included.

    1. Thanks, Sue! You made my day, because I value you as a friend! ❤️

  2. It is indeed the friendships! I didn't think I would enjoy blogging, but the friendships have kept me going.
    Funny about the elephant photo. No surprise the boys found that woman on the elephant!

    1. You're the best, Alex! You've given so much to so many! You are amazing! ❤️

  3. How did April get here so fast? We had good weather in March and now we're feeling winter temps again. Ugh. I'll complain about the hot summer soon. :)


    1. I don't know how April got here so fast either, Teresa! I'll be complaining too. Take care!

  4. I'm glad to hear that life is on the upswing for both you and Terry! I agree that blogging buddies can "get" us more sometimes than offline friends. That's the effect of reading and paying attention to cumulative blog posts about what we think, feel and experience. So often in "real" life, people don't actually pay attention to others' inner lives. Interactions can be very superficial.

    1. What an insightful comment, Debra! You are truly wise, my friend!

  5. I love the roses. And I'm glad your health is improving. I love blogging for the friendships with writer friends too. And it makes me sad how many people stop blogging because it takes time. It's so much more rewarding than other social media platforms in terms of making friendships.

    1. I so agree, Natalie! I'm glad that you enjoyed the roses. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them all ~ so lovely! Take care, my friend!

  6. I'm glad you are both feeling better. I love that rose photo - that's a great effect.

    1. Thanks, Diane! I did love seeing the lavish display. The only time I've seen more roses was on the Nature Conservancy's reserve on Brier Island in Nova Scotia. If you get there in the right season you can see thousands of wild rose bushes blooming, and the fragrance is divine. Have a great weekend!

  7. Blogging is absolutely writing. Glad it has been so helpful to you!

    1. Thanks, Liza! Your comment was validating, and I appreciate it! Have a good one!

  8. It's summer now at my place🌞. Blogging is kind of dissappearing maybe. When I announced to my friends that I had started a blog, they actually thought that I was talking about vlogging because they didn't know what blogging was. I must say that those pictures of red roses makes me wish for a red rose🌹

    1. Hi, Rida! If I could send you a big bouquet of roses, I would! You and a number of other blogging buddies of mine live in the southern hemisphere. I think there is a diehard core of bloggers, like the members of the IWSG, who will continue to blog. Certainly, I don't plan to stop. Perhaps more people will turn to blogging again when they're looking for a place to write and connect with others more deeply. I hope you have a great week! Happy writing!

  9. Pretty roses. Interesting elephant photo. Best wishes.

  10. So glad you are feeling better, Louise. More power and strength to you. I love the roses. Funny story about the elephant. Leave it to our boys, right? Stay strong, dear friend. All the luck with your memoir.

    1. Thanks, Victoria! Oh, boys! The boys in second and third grade kept me on my toes. I have ADHD, and I've struggled with sitting still for extended periods. That's one reason why I couldn't handle corporate geology. I felt sorry for all my young kiddos expected to sit at their desks quietly a lot of the day. I used every trick I could think of to get my kiddos moving indoors and out. We had a lot of fun, and I miss those times with my students, even after being retired almost 12 years. All the best to you! ❤️

  11. Wow! Those flowers are so lush, I wanted to step into the screen and take a whiff. Loved the elephant picture. They are such amazing creatures.

    1. Those roses were something else, Lee! Elephants are amazing. It was exciting to reach out and touch one. Most days I have have Tembe Elephant Park's camera up on my computer, and one of my favorite things to see is the elephants ( Tembe: Maputaland, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa). Actually I take great delight in seeing all the animals. Thanks for the substack address. I think I'm finally figuring it out. All the best to you!

  12. Blogging can take up time, and it’s certainly not as quick as sending a social media post, but it depends how you treat your posts. Who’s checking? It’s not like submitting a story to an editor, where every syllable will be scrutinised. Think of it more as an outpouring, like your diary, where you just get everything down.

    1. Thanks for your kind advice, Rosemary. Sometimes I'm very good at outpouring! Enjoy the weekend!

  13. I remember feeding the elephants in one of the trips down to Thailand

    1. It's quite an experience to feed them, Roentare! I love elephants and I love Thailand! Take care!

  14. Referring to the grade three boys: if there's a kid, there's a way. Almost worth hiring one as an art director. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Hehehe, Anna! I loved my third grade boys! I never knew what was going to happen next. The girls had more than their share of moments too. I really miss the kiddos. Have a great weekend!

  15. Great photos!
    I don't think blogging is dying. It is just changing, evolving. It attracts a community of like-minded people, not everyone who wants to follow the latest trend. That's why the numbers are dropping. The quality is rising though. I think. I hope, anyway.

    1. Your comment is so encouraging, Olga! I can't speak for all bloggers, but I see a big improvement in the quality of my posts. And you're right, you can find your people on the internet. It's a wonderful thing. Enjoy your weekend!

  16. Lmao well you got the boys interested in looking at the post. That was a start. Hahaha never even knew you had a second blog. Never realized the cat was around about a year longer either in blog land.

    Look at that Pat Hatt guy there again haha he shouldn't have laughed at you getting snow cause that's what is coming here tomorrow.

    Yeah. The friendships are my number one reason to do it. You and the new yorker are tops on the list. Theresa and her mixed nuts too. Many more have come and gone over the years. Time is the main factor. Was easier for me when I had a desk job. Could write posts while supposedly working lol with no dogs, cats, and kiddos vying for my attention. I don't think it will fully fade, but doubt it will be what it was even a decade ago.

    1. You gotta love boys! They're so much fun! And lucky you with two nephews, Pat. From here on out, the boys are going to be exploring and experiencing everything they can. I hope that your snow hasn't been too bad. It's a little warmer here again, but we're not out of the woods yet. I don't breathe a sigh of relief until after Mother's Day.
      I hated desk jobs. I was much better suited for working outdoors or in an elementary classroom. ~ too antsy, lol! I hope you have some time to chill this weekend! We have to fly to Panama City Beach in Florida on Sunday. Terry's brother Bill is dealing with cancer, and this is a time that works well for him. My eye surgeon cleared me for eye surgery, so I just have to get a time slot. It's both eyes, and he doesn't have to take my eyeballs out. I was very relieved ~ lol! Enjoy the weekend and take care!

  17. Love the photos. They are always great. Glad you are feeling better too.

    1. Thanks, Juneta! I'm glad that you enjoyed the photos. Have a great weekend!

  18. Love the photos. Glad you are feeling better. Happy Blogging.

    1. Sometimes Blogger gives me fits with comments, Juneta! Thanks for persisting!

  19. Maybe it's not all bad that fewer people are blogging these days. Gives me some hope that I can keep up with all my blog-friends :-) @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. I wish you luck, Samantha! I'm perpetually behind. All the best to you!

  20. Oh! Those third grade boys! I had some of those, too! ...the mischief... I love your perspective on blogging. I hope I can keep going, and I hope it takes my writing to great places!

    1. I hope your writing goes to great places too, Steph! Blogging has really helped me with my writing. It's made me less wordy for sure. Here's to mischief!!! Enjoy the weekend!

  21. That is hysterical about the third grade boys! 760 posts is quite a lot. Like you, I've made many friends through blogging, hooray!

    1. Yes, hooray for blogging friends, Jennifer! And for wonderful, even if mischievous, third grade boys. Wishing you a great April!

  22. Love the rosy outlook and your feeding the elephant pic. Glad you're in the blogosphere world:) Sandra

    1. Thanks, Sandra, for your kind comment! Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. What a wonderful post. I love this new attitude and the way you say you have turned a corner. I can tell by the energy in your posts. I have my first web site in 1994 and in 1995 my first blog. By website was my Beadwright business. My mom and I were the in the first 10 people to join Etsy and have been on Ebay for many years. I honestly can't remember when I joined FB. I know it was later because I was so busy with the business. I did join X ( formerly twitter) but I never liked it so have never used it. The main change I see for online sties is the hate, anger, disrespect. It's a different world we live in since the PC, laptop and phone. It's about to change again too. Good question. Have a rosey day.

    1. One of the first 10 to join Etsy, Nicole! That's bragging rights for you and your mom for sure! I never joined Twitter, and I can't remember when I joined FB and Instagram. In both cases my nieces helped me. The nieces and nephews help me every summer ~ lol! Technology definitely changes faster than I can keep up. And thank God for Apple Care! You hav e a rose day too!

  24. PS Glad you got to hook up with Pat;) Sandra

    1. Thanks, Sandra! Pat is so much fun! I can't wait to see him again this summer!

  25. So glad you're feeling better!

    The photos of roses at the Fontainebleau are gorgeous! I wonder how often they rotate their floral displays. I was there in February and I don't remember roses.

    1. I was wondering the same thing too, Janet. All the roses looked fresh and perky. Have you seen the Conservatory at Bellagio? That's also spectacular. I didn't get there this trip, though. Enjoy your weekend!

  26. Those roses are incredible! I can only imagine what the room smelled like. How funny about the boys and the elephant photos - sounds like something my sons would get up to.

    1. I was blown away by the roses, Kate! One of these years I'd love to see the Rose Bowl Parade. Roses ares among my most favorite flowers. I hope you have a relaxing and fun weekend!

  27. i felt speechless to see you surrounded by the red roses dear Louise :)))
    you looked angle from the heaven smiling awesomely among the gorgeous roses wow you looked sooo beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    lol for the photo you deleted captured by students .things happen sometimes :)
    you corrected on time .
    i share your praise for blogging my friend .specially being from place where life for a boring lady like me has least to do outdoors .i feel blessed and happily connected to all amazing and sweet friends all over the world .I consider it a biggest gift from my Creator .technology and google of course because i know i have no friend around here .hardly two school friends in near home town where i visit once in a year .
    i love how nicely you can write dear Louise .i can't imagine to write with such a mastery !
    i will never seize to say that i am so happy to meet you as blogging friend because i learn so much from you !
    i started this comment yesterday but than power went off .completing it today .
    hugs and blessings!

    1. I'm so sorry that you continue to have power problems, Baili! That must be aggravating. I'm betting you write skillfully and lyrically in Urdu. You do so well in English which is so different from your native language. Just switching from reading right to left to reading left to right would scramble my brain, let alone all the other differences between the two languages. It's wonderful how modern technology joins people around the world, Baili! I'm so glad that we connected, because you are one of my best friends, ever! Hugs and love to you!

  28. I agree. It's the relationships that keep me coming back to blogging too! Those are some gorgeous roses. I have some carnations sitting on the kitchen table for my recent birthday, but I wouldn't mind a nice rose now and then. :)

    1. I love fresh flowers, Loni, and it's nice to know you are enjoying some. Terry recently gave e me a dozen roses for my birthday, and I was so surprised I nearly fell off my chair. Usually he brings me mixed flowers and that's rare too. Here's to giving and receiving lovely flowers! Take care!

  29. Very nice e photos! Especially the ones of the roses! Blogging is a type of social media in a way, since you can make friends if you blog enough like you have. I'm glad it works out so well fr you!

    1. It has worked out really well for me Steven. I love my blogging friends! Have a fun weekend!

  30. Friendship is a powerful motivator!
    I'm glad you've turned a health corner.
    Love the roses. :)

    1. Thanks, Yvonne! I'm feeling so much better. Have a great weekend!

  31. I was blogging on since the early 2000s but moved to blogger in 2010,moved to my own independent website in 2020 via WordPress

    1. I never hear of Definitely predates me, Adam. All the best to you!

  32. Greg Slomba here, It’s not letting me post as myself on my phone for some reason. Anyway, yes it’s definitely harder for me to post as frequently as I once did. At one time, I would get home from work, write and publish a blog post, eat dinner, and then work on my book. Posted most every day in this fashion for over a year and burned myself out. Nowadays, I post 2-3 times a month. They tend to be progress posts rather Han fun posts, and I kind of miss that. I’m trying to think of something fun and entertaining to add once a month or so. Stay tuned on that!

    1. Hi, Greg! I'm sorry that I haven't responded until now. There's been way too much on my plate. I will stay tuned! Good luck!

  33. I received a lot of great writing advise, especially early on when I was a new writer. I'm so grateful for this community!

  34. love the roses! and I agree, I so appreciate the friendships I’ve made blogging and I’m glad the IWSG keeps us connected =)

    Tara Tyler Talks

    1. The IWSG hs been important to me too! Have a great April!

  35. You hooked me right away with all the rose photos. Gorgeous. Roses are my fave flower, hence my pen name, JQ Rose. I enjoyed your writing from your heart about blogging. Yes, I hope it will never die out.

    1. That's neat to know, J.Q. I should have guessed that! All the best to you!

  36. I can't image doing that in the third grade... maybe by the sixth! I took an elephant ride in Thailand and came away with a an appreciation for Hannibal. How did he ride one of those beasts across Europe?

    1. Hi, Jeff! I so love boys! They keep me on my toes ~ lol! Perhaps Hannibal had a mahout handling the beast for him. Take care!

  37. Hi, Everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I will answer each of your comments. I just running behind, as usual! Thanks for visiting!

  38. I think we have a lot of the same reason for blogging!

    1. I think a lot of us share the same reasons, Rebecca! All the best to you!

  39. I agree, blogging is writing too. When I was in my slump before, writing for the IWSG monthly blog posts kept me going. And kept my writing from getting too rusty.

    Congrats on your goals and improved health!

    1. Thanks, Lidy! My blog has kept me going too! That and my journal. Have a great April!

  40. You are one of the people I met when I first started blogging. It's been a fun ride.

    1. Likewise, Donna! You were the one who got me to check out the IWSG. I kept seeing the logo and hearing about it from you. It has been a fun ride!

  41. I'm so glad you are feeling better and have turned that corner. Good news indeed. I love blogging and have since 2007. So, you and I are on the same page here. I think instagram took a lot of bloggers away and that makes me sad, for I don't find the same degree of intimacy or detail there, or as much camaraderie as I do through the relationships bloggers develop. I'm so glad you are still here to share photos and your fun travels!

    1. Thank you so much, Jeanie! I have Instagram, but only so I can stay in touch with my nieces and nephews and a couple of other friends!

  42. Your story about the elephant photo made me laugh. That is such a third grade boy thing to do… I love the roses! So pretty!!

    1. Thanks, Kim! I was blown away by the roses at the Fontainebleau. I just loved my third grade boys. I never knew what they would come up with next! All the best to you!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.