Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday Morning Music Break ~ Quiet Your Mind

I was going to post this song last Monday,
but things have a way of getting away from me.

Zac Brown Band
Quiet Your Mind
Source:  You Tube ~ TrueIrish83

My brain moves way faster than my body,
and it's rarely quiet.

I often feel like 
I have a squash ball court inside my head.

I wish I had poet Martin Silenus's thought processor,
but that's centuries into the future
in the Hegemony of Man
in Dan Simmons' Hyperion.

I've been spending way too many late nights
delving deeply into The Hyperion Cantos
which results in way too many off-kilter days!

So sometimes I have to stop and listen to this song!
I have to remember to quiet my mind.

You Get What You Give contains the tracks
Quiet Your Mind and Knee Deep.

I took me a while to appreciate the Zac Brown Band.
I'm not crazy about big beards and wool caps.

LTG Cone Introduces the Zac Brown Band
Camp Liberty, Iraq
Source:  Wikimedia

But I have learned  
that you have to look deeper than the surface;
and when you do,
you can find something amazing.
The Zac Brown Band is amazing!

Here's a bonus slap upside my head
from the same album,
Knee Deep.
It never fails to lift my spirits!

Zac Brown Band and Jimmy Buffett
Knee Deep
Source:  You Tube ~ RumShopRyan

Last Monday I was going to call this post Contemplation,
and provide a link to someone
who has his Contemplation Head screwed on right.
So here's a belated link to my friend Jim's blog Ocean Breezes
and one of his regular Contemplative Monday posts.

Jim gives us a great start to each week
at his Ocean Breezes blog!

A contemplative Terry stands (yellow) 
on my favorite beach in the world!

Enjoy the ride!!!!!


  1. Thanks for introducing me to more great music! I don't think I've heard Zac Brown before (or paid attention) - but I so agree with quieting one's mind!

    1. Hi Dreaming! I'm glad that you enjoyed Zac Brown. The band has had a number of big country hits. I hope you got a little beyond start with your travels today and that that heated floor is keeping your tootsies warm! Take care!

  2. On that beach photo... You have no idea how much I'd love to be on a beach around this time of year. Any time, really, but especially during the winter.

    Jim always starts off the week with good food for thought!

    1. I hear you, Martha! One month to go for a gorgeous beach for me! Winter does seem to be grinding on and on this year. No robins sighted in our area yet ~ but suddenly the red-winged blackbird males are popping up. Have a happy day!

  3. Wow, they went to Iraq! Good for them.
    Squash court in your head. I am going to remember that description.

    1. Hey, Alex! I always admire groups that entertain our troops. I hope you are enjoying your start of the week!

  4. Nice beach!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. Hey Andrew. That beach is so awesome: Ke Iki running into Bansai Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. I'd walk there every morning if I could! Have a great evening!

  5. Two introductions today...Zac Brown and ocean Breezes. Thank you. Sometimes it's good to just be quiet in our heads. This time of year seems good for that.

    1. Thanks, Peggy! I keep "planning" to take up meditation! My friend Jim is so good at all that quieting stuff. If you do get to visit his blog in the future, you may catch Ms. Sophie Doodle. She is a darling labradoodle that Jim sometimes photographs for his blog. Jim's husband Ron writes his entire blog like it's Sophie talking. I went to school with Ron in 8th grade, and we reconnected on line a couple of years ago. The threesome is in Nova Scotia. I hope that you have enjoyed a lovely day!

  6. What a lovely post! And that beach....wonderful!

    1. Thanks, Linda! Wouldn't it be wonderful to be on that beach right now!!!!! Have a great day!

  7. Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!
    THAT BEACH ~~ I have been transported to 1974, to Paradise Island in the Bahamas!
    We visited there during our courting (LOL) years.
    The sands look exactly the same.
    Now I know why you LOVE HAWAII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now for Jim's mention ~~ what a sweet heart you are and him too, LOL!!
    His sensibility, his angle on life, his life experiences flow/pour onto these pages and with his ability to explain himself so eloquently just makes me smile and feel warm.


    1. Courting! LOL ~ for sure, Ron! I do love beaches! Jim definitely has his head screwed on right! He brings smiles and warmth to many people. Our prairie snow has almost vanished under warm, sunny skies, but the mountains remain buried in the white stuff. I'm enjoying this break because March and April are snowy months here. The Northeast needs to catch a break! Hope you are all recovered from various bugs and snow dumps! Take care!

  8. Louise, I am happy you get something from my Monday posts. I have learned that we must stop/pause occasionally to take a few breaths. Life can be exhausting.
    Now to your favourite beach in the world! I can see why it is! What a beauty it is! I can see you there now on your paddle board.......
    Have a good week Louise.

    1. Thanks, Jim! You inspired me to get a book on meditations ~ now I've just got to read it and try staying still for a few minutes! LOL! I'll get there. Aloha in about four weeks! Then we'll see how all my bosu ball surfing has paid off! You have a good week too, Jim!

  9. I don't know a lot of bands to do or even the music..I 'm stuck in the 60's and 70's music..but I fell in love with the I might check out Zac Brown Band..are they ?? country?

    1. Hi Jackiesue! How nice to see you! The Zac Brown Band is country. I grew to enjoy them by watching the Country Music Awards and Grammys. I've been watching these shows and other specials over the past four or five years, so I would not be totally out of touch with current music. In spite of the beards and wool caps, I couldn't ignore how much I enjoyed their music that I was hearing. "As She's Walking Away" which features Alan Jackson is one of their award-winning hits. Have a good day!!!

  10. Wonderful post! And that beach could easily be my favourite too lol! Have a super lovely week my friend :)

    1. Hi Jan! Aren't beaches the best! You take care! *hugs*

  11. I hadn't heard this band before. Thanks for introducing me to it.

    1. Hi Sandra! Several people have commented that they weren't familiar with the ZBB. I'm glad that I chose them for my sporadic Monday Morning Music Break posts, because I think they are great! Not just the music but their lyrics too. I hope you are enjoying a good week! :)

  12. First time I've heard of them too
    Quieting my mind can be hard to do
    But it must be done sometimes
    Ignore those voices and their chimes

    1. Easier said than done, Pat! At least that's my ongoing experience. I am sure that your mind is constantly buzzing with creativity! Have a good one!

  13. Nice! Thanks for the lovely break. I'm ready for some beach time again.

    1. Thanks Donna! After this winter a lot of us are longing for some serious beach time! Enjoy your day!

  14. Oh Louise, I can't tell you how much I can relate to you sometimes. I'm a very still person from the outside.....but anyone who knows me well knows that I move a million miles an hour on the inside. I do wish I could change that but I'm trying to accept that's just who I am. You should also know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Zac. Our music interests are still very, very similar. I did a post the last time I saw them in concert because they really kind of blew me away! And I despise any type of facial hair. D.E.S.P.I.S.E. It took me years to even listen to Zac and it makes me sad to think of missing out on that amazing music for so long. You should hear my girls sing "Chicken Fried" ~ it would melt your heart! I told Sophie that I'll take her along when he comes back to town. I found the concert to be family friendly. Anyway, sorry for the novel but I kept reading and thinking I could've written this post myself. Ha!

    1. Hi Audrey! I've been captured by the Olympics! The Winter Olympics is my favorite sporting event in the entire world. So I've been gorging on curling and hockey and figure skating and half pipe and, and, and! It's almost uncanny how much we like the same music! LOVE your "novels!" I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'm a little sad that the Olympics are almost over. :( Take care!

  15. Just stopped by to say hey and have a good evening.

    1. Hi Sandra! Thank you for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

  16. That is a nice song ... I pretty much listen to classical so had not heard the Zac Brown Band before (that I know of).

    I rather like wool caps and beards ... Mr. M grows one every winter (a beard that is, not a wool cap - though he spends a lot of time in wool caps too!). :)

    What a GORGEOUS beach photo!

    1. "To each, his own!" is my motto. The world needs lots of people who love beards and wool caps! I hope that you are looking forward to a great weekend!

  17. Great beach picture! I love the Zac Brown Band! Thanks for the nice comments about my photos. I have taken some photography classes online at Big Picture Classes. They have a number of classes. I took one on composition that I liked. If you wanted to learn more about photography that might be a place to go. There is so much I still need to learn about photography. I think it is never ending. (But that is a good thing.)
    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for the info about Big Picture Classes, Michelle. I will definitely check it out. I figure the moment I have nothing left to learn is the moment I no longer want to live. You have a lovely weekend!

  18. Huh. Never heard of them before, but they're not bad. "I have a squash ball court inside my head." Amen to that! Holy cow! If the brain could just rest for a minute, I'd be a totally different person. I guess it's that stage of life, eh?

    1. Hi Crystal! I don't think the brain ever rests! I've given up hoping!!!! have a great weekend!

  19. Thanks for introducing me to some great music this evening :)

    1. Hi Keith! It's good to see you. I'm glad that you enjoyed TZBB! Have an awesome weekend!

  20. "I'm not crazy about big beards and wool caps" !!
    I'm not either!! LOL!
    I think this is because we're too old!! LOL again!!
    I love to listen to quiet (and/or meditational) music too when my mind goes crazy!
    But I'll tell you that when I am still and watching in hide in the middle of nowhere, it is a great feeling of union and making one with nature! That sure keeps one's thoughts low!!
    That beach pic is fantastic, I miss the ocean so much...
    Keep well Fundy and enjoy your sunday!

    1. Hi Noushka! I got on-line today with great intentions of catching up with everything ~ and then on came the Canada/US hockey game and Canadian men going for the gold in curling. I so love the winter Olympics! I love the ocean! Pretty soon Hawaii here I come, although we will be mostly on Waikiki this time. You have a lovely weekend! I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  21. Świetna piosenka !!!
    Pozdrawiam / photoopassion

  22. As for someone who lives in Europe, where bands and Music like this in general isn't very much appreciated, I find it hard to convince anyone to listen to the Zach Brown Band, which I like a lot. Their music ranges from happy summer tunes to thoughtful ballads and it always touches my heart. Especially, because it's already been 2 years since I returned from the states and songs like these tend to awaken the memories.
    I didn't know the first song, have to check it out
    greetings from Austria

    1. Greetings back at you, Sartassa! I'm sorry that I am just responding now, but it's been hectic around here the last couple of days. I like the ZBB's ballads even more than their happier summer songs. Their lyrics can be profound! I hope that you are enjoying a happy week!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.