Friday, March 27, 2020

Coping with Colorado's Stay-at-Home Order

On Wednesday Colorado's Governor Jared Polis issued
a mandatory stay-at-home order for all residents of the state
to take effect Thursday, March 26 at 6 a.m.,
and to last through April 11 unless rescinded or modified.

As seniors Terry and I are taking this very seriously.
We're watching health systems overwhelmed in places like Italy and Spain,
and doctors, nurses, and emergency workers forced to make
decisions about who will live and who will die.
We're watching medical personnel in these countries
collapsing from exhaustion and dying in increasing numbers.
We're likely to see the same situations developing here.

As older people who might not be considered worth saving,
Terry and I are doing the best we can to stay isolated and healthy,
hoping to make it past the hospital crisis that might hit our state.
We both consider our lives worth living, we both want to live,
and we certainly don't want to die for the economy.

The only control we have is to be as responsible as we can for ourselves.
We're going outside only to walk briefly, pick up prescriptions,
and buy necessary groceries and supplies.
We're focusing on being pragmatic.

It's an adjustment for sure.
Sometimes I'm buzzing around inside, busy and productive as a honey bee.
Other times I can't motivate myself, and hours disappear into nothing,
as I ignore things I should be doing.

But that's okay.  I'll find a rhythm and get on top of this new state of being.
Meanwhile I'm FaceTiming with family and doing things to lift my spirits:
like playing with my photos of happier times and listening to favorite music;
and I'm thinking of and praying for all the selfless people
risking their wellbeing, perhaps lives, to help us all.

Here's a photo from a happier time and a favorite song that never fails to cheer me:

Terry and I catch a wave.
Waikiki, Hawaii, USA
March 14 2015
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Somewhere over the Rainbow 
Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

Wishing all my blogging buddies health, happiness, fulfillment,
and lots of love and support from your families and friends.

Take care, everyone!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. My husband and I aren't willing to die for the economy either. I have a great idea though, let the politicians who spout that baloney die for the economy first, and then I'll think about it..."it" being how stupid an idea that is. How can the politicians not realize that it isn't just old people who are getting sick and dying from this virus. We can put a stop to this virus if we don't keep feeding it by going out and mingling with each other and spreading it. I am so worried about my daughter who is an RN. I'm praying that masks and gowns will become available so medical professionals don't have to reuse or rely on masks and protective gear that is not suitable protection against this virus.

    Take care.

    1. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment, Susie. I'm sure that there are many parents of nurses, doctors, and other medical providers who are worried sick about their loved ones. That they, in America, are being asked to work in such circumstances is unconscionable. We each must do whatever we can to support them. As an older person with asthma and who is allergic to almost all antibiotics, I have to take the responsibility of staying as healthy as I can. Wishing you, your family, and your RN daughter all the best. 🍀💖

  2. Yeah, screw dying for the economy. Economy can suck it lol It's going to be one big crapfest when this is over anyway. The orange oompa loompa isn't helping matters much either.

    Day 5 of having to stay in up here. At least I finally finished editing the last in the connective trilogy and got that out to go. Now on to the next novel. Only go out when needed too. At least until work decides I'm needed, or they lay me off, we'll see.

    Stay safe and a little sane at your sea lol

    1. What good news, Pat ~ To know your final book in the connective trilogy is done and off! I can't wait to read it! Sometimes I've veered from a little sane raging at the the orange oompa loompa's pronouncements on tv. He doesn't make me feel like we're all in this together. He makes me feel like we're on our own. Thank goodness there are others in my country like Governor Cuomo and Dr. Fauci that I can look to for facts and truth. From what I hear, Trudeau and others are doing a good job. Take care. Pats and favorite scratches to all the four-footed beasts in you house. That ought to fill up some time ~ LOL! 🍀💖

  3. "As older people who might not be considered worth saving..."

    This sentence...aagh...You are worth saving. I know you know that, but I felt like I should say it. Be well. 🌸

    1. Thanks, Sandi. Absolutely I know I'm worth saving, as is every human being on this planet. That's what makes me so angry about pompous politicians suggesting that certain groups of people are dispensable. Thank goodness for all the caring, empathetic people around the world who are working selflessly to ease the illness and suffering of others. Take care, my friend! 🍀💖

  4. Stay safe! Our lives are similar to your's. I find a lot to keep me busy and my mind occupied. My hubster is struggling. He has always made excuses to run out to a hardware store, or Costco, or the grocery store. He paces like a caged cat.

    1. Hi, Dreaming! It's so good to hear from you! I often think of you when I drive along Pine Lane and Inspiration. I'm sorry that being confined is so hard for your hubby. Terry and I are both homebodies, so that helps. I'm always busy with more things to do than I have time for, even when I'm under stay-at-home orders. Staying safe is the name of the game right now. Please take care!

  5. Do your part to stay safe. It's all you can control. I'm still going to work but otherwise we just venture out for essentials.

    1. Thanks, Alex! We're trying our best. I hope that you and your wife stay healthy and safe! Take care!

  6. Yes, stay safe, you two, and I hope your days are full of enjoyable moments at home!

    1. Thanks, Debra! We're doing well. I even get to work out with my trainer via FaceTime three times a week. She has no mercy, even with the coronavirus spreading. We spend a lot of time talking with our families also via FaceTime and iPhone. And we're getting lots of reading done. I have no problem filling my time ~ LOL I hope that you and your Rare One are doing well too and having fun at home. Please take care of yourselves! Hugs to you!

  7. I’ve been thinking about you and Terry. We have been at home for quite a long time now. I’m not even letting Don go anywhere near a store. I go out periodically but try to stay put most of the time. I am afraid that we are I for much worse due to lack of leadership in our country. This is going to get a lot worse. We will just stay in. I a trying to use the time productively but you can only clean so long. LOL. It’s time to get out the old photos I think and labe them for the kids. I know when we are gone they won’t know those people and will toss the photos in a cardboard box. I hope that you also will find enough to keep that curious mind of yours going. You have such a writing talent that this might be a gift for you. Take care my friend.

    1. Thanks, Peggy! You and Don have certainly been on my mind, and I'm glad that you are doing everything you can to stay isolated and safe. I, too, think we're in for much worse. Fortunately I can entertain myself endlessly. I think it will be harder for Terry as time goes on, because he played pickleball four or five times a week and he's used to meeting his best bud in Vegas frequently. I just pray that we can slow the spread of the virus down enough to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed. I feel so badly about the dangerous situations so many of our health care people are facing. It's beyond criminal. However, I'm basically optimistic, and I believe we will get through this. Take care my friend! I hope that you have some great books to curl up with! Hugs to you!

  8. I love Israel's music, tho I worry about his weight. It's got to be hard on his heart. But, as my family would say, not your busy, Ma. Haha

    Hubby and I are hold up in our little apartment. Every day we go down to the pool and visit with the only other family in the building, Carlos, Marcianna, and Sofia. The other 4 apartments sit vacant. Eerie quiet.

    We sit at a respectable distance. Visit. Laugh a lot. We look forward to those rendezvouses. They're half our age and seemed concerned for our safety. Sweet, eh? Carlos always checks with us before he goes out for supplies. I can't help worrying about him out there in the war zone. It feels like that: a war zone.

    I'm so glad you're blogging. Your posts are a delight to read, Louise. You always lift my spirits. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks, Joylene! I really love blogging, and I am thrilled that you have returned to the blogging world. I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and that you have some lovely and thoughtful neighbors. We've been spending a lot of time on FaceTime or the telephone with our families and friends. That lifts our spirits a lot. Please take care and be safe.

  9. Stay safe, Louise! All lives have value. My hubby and I are keeping busy at home and only visiting the grocery store when we really need things. We take walks and we'll start biking when the weather permits. We're doing our part to stay healthy and also not to pass it on to anyone else. We're all in this together.

    1. Thanks, Martha! I hope that the weather permits you and George to go biking soon. I know you two enjoy it a lot. It's snowing outside as I write this, fortunately not heavily. But signs of spring are everywhere. I saw my second robin today. I dearly love robins. Take care. Sending you a big hug!

  10. I hope this pandemic dies down soon

    1. Me, too, Adam! But I'm worried it will go on longer than we're expecting. I hope that you, Daisy, and loved ones are hanging in there.

  11. Sounds like you are taking this all in stride. Thats a good thing, as Martha would say. Stay well. :)

    1. Terry and I are doing our best. Thanks for visiting. Please take care!

  12. Hi Louise, Here in Breckenridge, our county and town went on more stringent rules earlier than the state since we were the first in CO with a case of the virus. The mountain towns were hit early because of all our tourists. Now, our town and neighborhood are very quiet. We exercise in the wilderness behind our house (places I know you've been previously). We don't meet a soul. Stay well and keep up your spirits.

    1. Hi, Barb! It's lovely to hear from you. I'm glad that you get to go outside and walk in such beautiful spots, like along the Burro Trail. I get out to walk in the open space along Piney Creek every day that I can. Birdsong lifts my spirits. Please take care!

  13. I'm glad you're being careful. I don't want to lose you. I think that dying for the economy crap came from the Lt. Governor of Texas (so I heard). Reasonable people don't take it seriously. Carol and I are careful, but we are not on lockdown.


  14. Smart to stay at home Louise. I'm absolutely happy to do so as well. I would never leave if I didn't have to get groceries!! :)

  15. Facetime is such a beautiful thing these days. I love how technology is keeping us together even when we can't be. My fitness instructor hosts classes on Zoom every day and that's been keeping me sane while I'm cooped up under Indiana's stay at home orders too.

    I am glad you guys are taking this seriously there and are staying indoors and only going out when necessary. I want you both to live too. I want everyone to make it. My heart breaks more and more every day when the death toll keeps rising and rising :(

  16. Wishing you good health. Your lives are certainly worth saving, but I'm glad you're doing everything you can to protect yourselves.

    The ageism that's come out of this pandemic is one of the most troubling things. Love and best wishes to you.

  17. i think it's all about being habitual dear Louise ,once are aware of right option we choose it for survival for sure
    staying at home becomes pleasure when we are used to it ,there are so many interesting things to do even indoor ,totally depends on our attitude :)

    Oh you are just young to me even younger than me and living wonderful life at 70 which i can dream only in my fifty over here ,what an exciting image :)))
    you took me there to feel the thrill and enchanting water :)

    all lives are worth saving ,and it is great to be wise and cautious and take great care :)
    it is almost month we are at home now and happy by the grace of Lord
    love hugs and tons of positive energy my friend!

  18. Stay safe you two! You are worth saving!!! Lots of love!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.