Today I took The Big Plunge!
I acknowledged a monumental change in my life
from how I've lived it in recent decades.
I updated my profile on Linkedin
for the first time since I retired
from Cherry Creek School District.
I changed my professional headline
from Elementary Teacher to
~ Putting It Out Into the Universe! Woo Woo!!!!! ~
I've been out on a lot of skinny limbs,
but this one feels about one Planck Unit wide!
to get that formula
on this post
in a legible form!
And don't ask me to explain it.
I'm no theoretical physicist.
Just know that it means
a very, very, very small length;
and thus,
a very, very, very skinny branch!
(about 10−20 times the diameter of a proton)
Theoretical Physicist Max Planck
Source: Wikipedia
Just blame my description on
my too many late nights
spent reading recently ~
I've been pouring over
Dan Simmons' The Fall of Hyperion
while holding an ice pack
against my face with my left hand
(stuffed for protection in a big red mitten).
Planck Everything runs through
Volume 2 of The Hyperion Cantos.
(Don't let that scare you away from the book ~
background in theoretical physics not necessary!)
Would that I could write like Simmons!
Source: Wikipedia
I've written most of my life
for many purposes and for many audiences.
I've taught writing to hundreds and hundreds of students.
I've studied writing.
I've given workshops on writing at literacy conferences.
I've encouraged so many to write.
I've even helped and cheered on my youngest sister
as she has written and published two excellent books,
and has a third in the works.

Source: Books by Bert
Bertie and I,
Presenters, Colorado Council International Reading Association, 2009, 2010, 2011
But I wouldn't/couldn't
claim "Writer" for myself.
I've been wrestling with a memoir,
a painful and difficult slog.
I keep going around and around in circles
trying to find my way.
It would be so easy to give up and walk away.
But I can't.
Images like this haunt me.
Donald Blair MacBeath
My Father
My Father
Most Likely in St. Peters Bay, P.E.I.
Circa 1929
I'll find a way.
After all, I've put it out into the Universe.
Maybe I'll pull an elementary teacher strategy
and make a picture collage for extra help
from this Universe that is so hard to fathom.
Writers illuminate the human heart.
But damn ~ is it hard!