Wednesday, April 5, 2023

IWSG: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 ~ One Writer's Continuing Journey


It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Jemima PettNancy Gideon, and, Natalie Aguirre!

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is: 
Do you remember writing your first book? What were your thoughts about a career path on writing? Where are you now and how is it working out for you? If you're at the start of the journey, what are your goals?

Happy April, Everyone! 
I hope you had a happy and creative March.
We're home in Colorado, and the snow is falling as I write.
I'm missing the tropical air and sunshine of Waikiki.

The Fort DeRussy Area
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
March 4, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

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This month's question begins by asking if you remember writing your first book.
I do.  I was ten years old and in Grade 5.  
It was a murder mystery starting with a diver discovering a skeleton in a lake.
Then out of nowhere we were moving to the mysterious North,
and my book fell by the wayside.

Story of my life!
Real life continued to disrupt my book writing throughout my life. 
I'm still working on my first book, because life is still disrupting.

I never considered writing as a career.
From a very young age my parents made it clear that I was going to university.
To their credit, they insisted that all four of their girls get a university degree 
as well as their son ~ This was an unusual goal for parents at the time.
Each of us was expected to have a career and to be independent.
My parents did not see writing, art, or music as careers leading to independence.
They were hobbies.

My mother was especially determined that her girls 
would never have to depend on a man for support.
Her grandmother and mother's husbands died young,
and they had to find a way to support themselves and their children.
My mother never forgot what they went through as widows.

My Mother Sara (2nd from left) with her brother John, sister Louise, and Parents Ella and Jack MacDonald
This was shortly before my grandfather died.  
My Aunt Louise still lived at home.
Smith's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada
Summer 1943
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I dutifully attended Acadia University in Nova Scotia 
from which both of my parents graduated.
I earned a B.A. with a double major in Geology and English 
and double minor in Mathematics and Theatre.
This dichotomy resolved itself when oil went bust in the early 1980s,
and Terry talked me into leaving Petroleum Geology 
and earning a B.Ed. in Elementary Education.    
I became the first in the eighth generation of teachers on my father's side of the family.
My careers were demanding and rewarding, and writing remained a hobby.

Throughout my careers I wrote a lot in a variety of genres:  
reports, theses, papers, plays, newspaper articles, poetry, 
letters, journals, speeches, and short stories.
I would periodically tackle my memoir.
I always considered myself a writer, just not a writer of books.

Now that I am retired, I've added blogging as another genre.
I continue to work on my memoir, but life continues to sidetrack it.
I think when life gets challenging, I can focus on shorter pieces of writing,
but a book-length project overwhelms me.

And, yay!  ðŸŽ‰   ðŸŽ‰   ðŸŽ‰  ðŸŽ‰
My short story "Dare Double Dare" was published 
in the IWSG Anthology Voyagers The Third Ghost.

Have I given up the goal of publishing my memoir?
No way!  I'll get there.
I've overcome a lot of challenges in the past several years, 
and I think they have made me stronger.
The toll is written in my face and body and hair, but my spirit is undiminished.

Having a Mai Tai at The Original Mai Tai Bar
at The Royal Hawaiian
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
March 8, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

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If you are celebrating Passover, I wish you a kosher and joyous Passover.
Enjoy IWSG Day.  Stay happy and safe.

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

My next post will be on Friday, April 28th 


  1. Never give up, never surrender!
    Shorter works are easier and one has a better shot at finishing and feeling good about that. Probably why my novels are all a bit on the short side.

    1. Happy IWSG Day, Alex! I hope you have a fun time visiting around. Your novels never suffered from being shorter.

  2. You look so happy and careree on the Waikiki photo! Keep going, I am sure you will finish your memoirs! Nice family photo. Good that your parents sent ou all to university, that's great.I had to fight my family to get to study, and I'm pleased I did! I studied theology and philosophy. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks, Valerie! I'm glad that you fought to get an education. Such interesting majors! I took a year-long course in philosophy, but I never studied religion formally. I've become much more interested in them in the last two years, especially when I combine them with physics and cosmology. I'm looking for answers to the big questions about humans, life, and the universe ~ lol! Hugs to you!

  3. Funny, I think it was expected that I'd go to university, yet it was still unusual in my family to go to university if you weren't going to teach. And I knew I didn't want to do that! But writing - did a lot of that, mainly non-fiction, through work. Just never thought I could write fiction. (Some would say I can't still!)
    Have a good easter, Passover, spring festival....

    1. Thanks for co-hosting today, Jemima! I hope you have lots of fun visiting around. Kudos on your success at fiction writing. It must be so satisfying!

      My mother was the first one to go to university in her family. She was always known as "the pretty one" growing up while her sister Louise was known as "the smart one."
      That really bothered my mother and my Aunt Louise as well. Mom was finally able to see when she went into the Canadian Air Force and was given a pair of glasses. Her family was poor, so she made it to university via her service in the Air Force. Happy springtime to you!

  4. Life might continue to disrupt, but you are still after it. And you have a published story - no one can take that away from you.

    1. Thanks, Diane! I am still thrilled that I was included in "Voyagers." I had another short story published a long time ago in a Canadian literary journal. I am very proud of those stories. Have a fun day today!

  5. I supported my family and have always been glad that I had a career. I would never want to try to even support just myself in writing. Your mom gave you good advice to always be financially independent.

    1. You get it, Natalie! I knew Mom's advice was good, and I followed it, as did all four of my siblings. Our parents would be so proud of us five and all we have accomplished.
      It's always good to see you, my friend! hugs to you!

  6. I read once that no one in Canada makes their living solely from writing novels except for Margaret Atwood. Puts things in perspective, doesn't it? LOL!

    1. It sure does, Debra! My mom was right! Have a great rest of the week!

  7. Your mom had the right idea! Women need to be self-reliant.

  8. I have 3 brothers but I (the girl) was the one expected to go to college. May have been the fact my father's mother had and was a school teacher at one point before she married. :)

    1. Teaching was always considered a good career for a woman. My parents were both teachers. I'm glad that you were expected to go to college, Helen! I tried to visit your blog, but I couldn't get into it. Thanks for visiting!

  9. A lot of us start writing as a hobby and then one day we get published. Most of us can't make a living as a writer, so it's good to have another source of income. I totally agree with your mom. It's very important for a woman to be financially self-reliant.

    1. It's good to see you, Sherry! I was lucky to have a very strong and determined mother. Happy creating in April!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks, Anna! It's always uplifting to get that encouragement. All my best to you!

  11. Hi, Louise! I'm impressed that your mom insisted you and your sisters get a college degree. She was a wise woman and had experience to fuel the wisdom. My mother was the opposite. She discouraged me and told me I wouldn't have anything unless I got married. Twenty years after I graduated from high school, I finally finished my BA. Even though she said I shouldn't go to college, she would have been proud, and would have been especially proud of my work as a reporter. As far as publishing a book goes, all those people are right. Just run around the corner or call someone to get your book published. (LOL) People always tell me I should write a book. If I could write a book, then I would. I can write newspaper articles, columns, editorials, blog posts, all sorts of things . . . but I don't know how to write a book. So if you can manage to write a book, then good for you! I thought your stories about living in that isolated area were very interesting. I would love to see you turn them into a book. Don't give up!


    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Janie! I'm sorry your mother discouraged you from going to college. Young women were under so much pressure to get their MRS. back then. Thank goodness it's better for young women now ~ although I do worry about women's rights in our country right now. Good for you for finishing your B.A. I'm glad that you know that your mother would have been proud of you! I considered being a reporter and actually took a few courses in journalism. I figured out pretty quickly that I was too shy ~ lol! The book I'm working on is a memoir about my time in the North, a lot of which I shared in my posts. I plan to do more posts about the North. I just hit a wall when I try to confront an experience which was very painful and changed who I was, my life ~ something that has haunted me to this day. Some people might think it's no big deal, but for me it was traumatic. I am not going to give up! I've been pretty erratic at visiting blogs. My life has been chaotic for too long ~ a lot of medical things, but I see some light at the end of the tunnel. I really appreciate my blogging buddies, friends like you! xox

  12. Oh, I feel you on the Colorado weather. Although I'm told it will hit the 80s this weekend, it's currently snowing in the Springs. Pretty much off and on for the last three days. Not sure I would have been able to come back to Colorado from Hawaii right now! I've got a work trip to Arizona in a couple weeks, so we'll see what the weather's like there.

    1. I hope we do hit the 80s, Shannon! I've been going around the house with my housecoat over my clothes ~ lol! It was hard to come back from Hawaii for sure! I saw what Diane shared about you on her post yesterday. Congratulations on "Happy Ghoulidays II!" It sounds like a fun book, and it's on my list of books to read. Your husband did a great job on the cover! Have a good trip to Arizona. May you have a lot of sunshine and warmth!

  13. What a shock it must have been to leave Hawaii for Colorado. Your mother was amazing. You are so lucky.

    1. Yes, I am lucky, Diane! I hope with everything in me that I will see my mother (and father too) again. And, yes, it was a shock to return to Colorado after Hawaii. I've been going around in the house with my housecoat on top of my clothes ~ lol! Have a happy April!

  14. I remember thinking right after I read your first post, years ago--what an incredible woman your mother was. You had quite an adventure growing up. It must have been fabulous. I'm really looking forward to your memoir. I've steered so many of my family and friends to your blog because your stories are wonderful. Your are a story-teller, Louise, in every sense of the word.

    1. What a lovely comment, Joylene! It filled my heart! You are so kind! I'm a little slow getting around to visit everyone. You are a truly special person to me. I have high hopes we'll meet in person. Hugs to you!

  15. I loved that sail -- and also hearing your story. Your mom was a very wise woman -- Well done, mom!

    1. Hi, Jeanie! Wasn't that sail fun! I smile every time I look at the photo. I'm glad that you enjoyed hearing my story. I was very fortunate to have my mother. Wishing you all the best!

  16. Have a happy Easter. I like that Hawaii photo of a smiling face on the genoa (stay sail) on the sailboat

    1. Happy Easter, Jeff! I know it is a beautiful and powerful time for you. I'll enjoy seeing your sermon. Easter is the most hopeful day of the year for me. We're spending it with family. Thanks for hanging in there with me as a blogging buddy, especially when I've been so erratic with visiting people. I do see light at the end of the tunnel, thank goodness. Take care!

  17. Never give up. I wrote my first story and then into a book in the third grade. I also wrote a screen play and my class mates acted it out. As you say life gets in the way and it wasn't until the 1980s that I started writing again in a different way. Then I started getting published for step by step instructions for beading. I am fortunate to have been published over 400 times in many magazines. I also have 4 books published. There is something quite satisfying seeing ones name and work in print. I am actually writing a book now. Ssshhhh it's a secrete. LOL I so enjoyed you post. Have a lovely Easter.

  18. a beautiful post dear Louise and i never expect less from you because even a simple person like me could sense you are a born writer when we met first .you have way with words and your honesty is striking and captivating . your writing style is powerful enough to stay in memory forever . i am absolutely certain that with the strength of spirit you have you will be able to achieve what you want to dear friend!
    always Love your family photos . your parents were wise and practical specially mother and i see how you inherited these qualities from them !
    Hats Off to you my beautiful ,talented and brave Louise as smile on your face has power of the bright sun believe me who enlightens the world wherever he goes !
    hope Terry is well and fine too .
    hope your weather takes springy turn as soon as possible!
    please take great care in all possible ways !
    hugs and blessings
    thinking of you!

  19. a beautiful post dear Louise and i never expect less from you because even a simple person like me could sense you are a born writer when we met first .you have way with words and your honesty is striking and captivating . your writing style is powerful enough to stay in memory forever . i am absolutely certain that with the strength of spirit you have you will be able to achieve what you want to dear friend!
    always Love your family photos . your parents were wise and practical specially mother and i see how you inherited these qualities from them !
    Hats Off to you my beautiful ,talented and brave Louise as smile on your face has power of the bright sun believe me who enlightens the world wherever he goes !
    hope Terry is well and fine too .
    hope your weather takes springy turn as soon as possible!
    please take great care in all possible ways !
    hugs and blessings
    thinking of you!

  20. Have to keep at it indeed and enjoy life too. Pushing all to get a degree and be self sufficient was wise of her for sure. The smaller writings are faster, so bring accomplishment quicker than novels. It all adds up.

  21. Did someone say Mai Tai? Please write your memoir! You're an awesome writer and so funny and brilliant. xx

  22. i am sorry that you are feeling unwell because of Grave disease dear Louise . i think i can relate because since more than fifteen years i am dealing with such tough situations and after the medical treatment symptoms appeared again and again which led me to believe that no matter how i try to rely on medical treatment what can help me to survive is only thing and this is "meditation" which strengthen main organ the brain who conducts the whole body and if it is well composed and strong many diseases are suppressed or gone by it's ability to deal with them. I same say to my hubby and to everyone i meet with health conditions dear Louise .I have firm faith that with the astonishing inner power and insight you have skill to defeat any of such trauma so with heart full of prays and best wishes i will be looking forward to updates my dear friend!
    sharing link that i read while ago after reading your post because i was unfamiliar with term but ti know that this is kind of common disease in northern part of our country .Hugs Love and tones of Haling energy!

  23. You are the Light my precious soul! and i believe soon the fogg will be whooshed away by your courage and strength and the light will be reaching to all of us again by the grace of God!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.