Friday, January 3, 2025

New Year's Resolutions

I'm not big on New Year's resolutions, but two came to mind when I awoke New Year's Day.
I'm going to be kinder to myself and I'm going to sleep more.
I killed two birds with one stone, by immediately rolling over and going back to sleep. 

Seriously, in the last 5 years I've averaged about 6 hours and 7 minutes of sleep a night.
Thank you, Fitbit!
And my average falling asleep time over the past 5 years is well past midnight.
I didn't try to calculate it, but "eyeballing" the data showed me the error of my ways.

Since I'm of an age when I'm worried about dementia, I have got to do better. 
I'm going to turn this night owl into a morning lark.

Maybe I'll settle for an average of 6 hours and 30 minutes a night
and an average falling asleep time of 11:59 pm.
That would be a big improvement, and that would be kind to me as well.

Definitely, I want to laugh more this year and these two memes tickled my funny bone.

But, I'm not sharing themed photos this week.
It's been one of those weeks, 
and I'm opting for more sleep and being kind to myself
(as in not beating myself up because ran out of time). 

Anyone else making resolutions?
I'd love to hear.
Take care!

 Till next time ~
 Fundy Blue
Standing Into Danger                          
 Copyright ©2024 – All rights reserved.

My next post will be 
Wednesday, January 8th. 🤞 
On the Bay of Fundy

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue 


  1. Smiling.
    One of my mantras is hiss and spit. Guess which cat I am channelling.
    And the be kind to myself is on my agenda. I do find it hard.

    1. Happy New Year, Sue! I do love Grumpy Cat! Terry is the one who usually sees the hiss and spit side of me, which is so not right. I figure if I sleep more and am kind to myself, I'll hiss and spit less. 🤞 Wishing you all the best in this shiny new year!

  2. Regular exercise increases cognitive reserve for warding off dementia

    1. Thanks for the reminder, Roentare! I remember from somewhere that you are a gerontologist. I do exercise regularly, groan. I used to think that by my age I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore, but exercise is more important than ever. The thing I worry about most as I get older is dementia. Fortunately, people in my family haven't developed it in the past. But every time I forget something, I worry. You probably hear that a lot ~ 😂. Wishing you the best of new years, my friend!

  3. I never make resolutions because I know I would break them immediately! I always try to have goals, however, whether it's a goal for a single day or something longer term. My goal for today is to make work go faster. Yes, somehow I will speed up time, and before I know it, the work day will be over and I'll be relaxing with the dogs. I also need to join you in getting to sleep earlier.


    1. Happy New Year, Janie! I think a lot of people are wanting work to race by during these beginning days of 2025. I was having blood drawn yesterday, and the employees at the lab were dragging. I know just how that feels. 😂 Relaxing with your dogs sounds wonderful! So good for the soul! Wishing you all the best in 2025 and more sleep! Hugs!

  4. I'd take more sleep and I go to bed at ten every night.

    1. Good for you, Alex! You must be very disciplined! I can go to bed at 10:00 and spin around until after midnight. 😵‍💫 Or, after 2:00 am. 😵‍💫 Wishing you an awesome new year!

  5. Good resolutions! I'm definitely a Morning Lark. Up at 5:00 a.m. every day. I used to go to bed at 10:00 p.m. but now I find myself asleep by 9:00.

    1. Oh I wish, Debra! I have to be really sick to fall asleep by 9:00 pm. Well, Ms. Morning Lark, I wish you a year of sparkling dawns and happiness! Hugs!

  6. I'm not one for resolutions either, but these are the good kind. Especially being nice yourself and sleeping more. As for being a night owl, not me. Grin. Happy 2025 to you Louise.

    1. Happy New Year, Erika! Most of my resolutions fall by the wayside, but I hope this year I'll succeed with them. Wishing you an awesome 2025!

  7. ...I don't keep New Years Resolutions, so I don't make them.

    1. You're probably smart, Tom! I hope you have the best of new years, my friend!

  8. I hear you on sleep. I used to be an at-least-eight-hour sleeper. Now I feel lucky to get six, though I may go in and out of the twinkie zone for another hour sometimes. Then I crash in the evening, which makes the sleep later harder. A horrid cycle. Good luck -- if you get any excellent strategies, share them here, OK?

    1. I like that, Jeanie: Twinkie Zone. That sounds nicer than Lazy Bones Zone. God forbid that anyone in our home was accused of being a Lazy Bones, the worst sin of all. I will share strategies if I find some that work. I have managed eight hours of sleep a few times a year, but when I was working, I was lucky if I got four. You're so right about horrid sleep cycles. They can be crushing. I hope you have a super new year!

  9. No resolutions here. If I want to do something I do it. No waiting for some "magic" day.

    More sleep is good though. My midnight days are long gone. I'm up at 6 am though, if not before.

    1. I knew what your position on resolutions would be, Pat! You've expressed your views plenty over the "magic" day. I almost put you in my post. I like midnight! Maybe I should have settled on 12:01 am instead of 11:59 pm. 😂. Still enjoying "Imagine Pat Hatt." I keep forgetting that Orlin is making the story up. It feels very real to me. I do love Orlin and Cassie! They were extra special. Your Canadian/American contrasts are hilarious. I can't wait to see how the story ends. I'm predicting a cliffhanger. All the best to you, my friend!

  10. I use an Apple Watch to monitor my sleep and have strove to sleep more--most nights I get about 7 hours 30 minutes. I seldom get 8 and occasionally get only 6, but it's been a while since I got 4-5 hours which was more normal in my 30s-50s.

    1. Good for you, Jeff! You're very consistent, something I've never managed in all my decades. I may have to switch to an Apple Watch, if FitBit goes belly-up. Meanwhile, I hope you have a spectacular new year!

  11. Sweet dreams to you Louise, and sleep well in 2025 😊👍😘

    1. Thank you, Sirkkis! Wishing you'll the best in 2025!

  12. Love these funnies. I didn't see your link on FFO. I will put it on there now.

    1. Thanks, Nicole! I've been up to my eyeballs In renovation and doctor appointments this week, but the end is in sight! Hugs to you, my friend! I hope all is well!

  13. I think sleep is important - I average about 7 hours of sleep a night but, some nights are fitful when I slip into the dream world. Happy New Year! - Truedessa

    1. Happy New Year, Trudessa! It's lovely to see you! ❤️

  14. Precious friend Louise!
    Your resolution for new year made me laugh 😆
    I share your avoidance for making new year resolutions and take things easy because I have understood that most precious moments are those in hand and best living is to try to live them to fullest which is possible only when our mind is present and body is healthy.
    I love how you trying to reprioritise your choices.
    I so agree that with age such changes are crucial.
    I am really thankful for your visits to posts and sweet comments and insights!
    Health peace and happiness to you both and loved ones ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you, my dear Baili! I'm sorry I fell so far behind again. We are deep into the planning for our upcoming renovations. I am very tired from making so many decisions this week ~ lol! I remember when you were going through renovations in your home. We will be living in our basement while the work is going on. It will be interesting to say the least! Two more renovation meetings, one more doctor's appointment today and tomorrow, and then I can start packing up the house ~ Never a dull moment. I hope that you and your family are doing well and that you have enjoyed your sons' visits. Wishing you all the best in 2025, and blessings to your family!

  15. I agree about being kinder! Me too and YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs to more sleep- I am terrible at going to bed early but annoyingly, anxiety means often I lie awake when I TRY to go to bed! Let's hope we can both sleep more. I also read that about Dementia recently and it did make me worry because the amount of sleep I've been getting for the past few years really is terrible!
    I am resolving to TRY and use up and clear out things from home that I don't need to keep. E.g. we have cupboards full of jars and cans that have been there for ages!!!

    1. I hear you, Kezzie! Anxiety and my whirling brain can keep me awake into the wee hours. Terry came to bed last night and found me sitting up with my book sound asleep. Progress! LOL! I remember only too well how little sleep I managed when I was teaching, and the demands on teachers have only increased. I, too, am resolved to get rid of more things. We have a home renovation coming up, and I'm going to use that pressure to motivated me to decrease our stuff. Unfortunately, a lot of the things we still have are laden with emotional baggage, and they are the hardest to get rid of. Wishing you more restful sleep and emptier cupboards, plus fun, adventure, and cool clothing finds in 2025! ❤️

  16. I made a resolution years ago to never make New Year's resolutions. As I kept saying people do the same thing every year with the gyms LOL

    1. Definitely LOL, Adam! I persist in making resolutions for the new year, but I could pick any random day during the year for making them. The turning of the year is just a convenient time to look at what I've done and where I'm going. I'm pretty good about the gym and have been so throughout much of my adulthood. Working out has helped me get through medical challenges over the years, so that keeps me showing up. Wishing you and your family the best of new years!


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