Friday, January 5, 2024

Contemplating 74 in '24

I'm looking forward to 2024 with a sense of hope and optimism,
although I'm in a different frame of mind than I have been in the past.
I more keenly feel how fragile and fleeting life is,
and I am aware that a lot of my life is behind me and less before me.

I'm not in a morbid or anxious state of mind because of my age.  
Rather, I am grateful and looking toward more experiences and adventures.

Waiting to Start a Big Challenge ~ Climbing the Coathanger
Sydney, Australia
November 9,  2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Last week a friend asked me how can I be cheery and hopeful,
given my age and the health issues I have faced since mid-2021.
I said every day is a gift, and I am grateful for each one.
The odds of me existing, being born, are incalculable.
Restart time at the big bang and I would not be.
How can I not be cheery and hopeful?  I got to be.

I Get to Be!
with My Parents, Sara and Donald MacBeath
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Shorty After March 18, 1950
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I think about things I'm grateful for every morning when I wake up,
and I'm extra grateful when I go out into the kitchen and see Terry making coffee ~ lol!

Terry's First Chore Every Morning!
Aurora, Colorado
January 4, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I've been contemplating what to focus on in 2024,
and I've chosen two words to help me in my quest to stop chasing my tail ~
Definitely something I want to accomplish this year!

The first is the German word eigenzeit
It means the "time inherent to the process itself"
or allowing things to take the time they take.
I am always trying to do things faster, and I repeatedly get frustrated
and stressed when they take longer than I think they should.

Oliver Burkeman, in his book Four Thousand Weeks,
referred to his two-year-old toddler several times.
He said that, like it or not, you're going to move at that toddler's pace,
because there is no hurrying a toddler who doesn't want to hurry.
(I suppose you could toss the kiddo over your shoulder
and drag him or her away, but we all know how that ends!)

Moving at Jackson's Pace (See people waiting the background).)
Point Prim, Nova Scotia, Canada
July 29, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

My second word is incrementalism.
It means working through a project by using
many small steps instead of a few large ones.
I've been a binger all my life.
I've spent countless all-nighters pushing to complete some assignment, paper, or project.
Can I change my behavior at this point in my life?

After reading Oliver Burkeman's book 
Four Thousand Weeks:  Time Management for Mortals,
I believe I can do it.  You're never too old to learn.

In his book, Burkeman refers to a conclusion drawn by psychology professor Robert Boice.
Boice studied the writing habits of his colleagues throughout his career
and concluded that the most productive and successful writers
were those academics who made writing a smaller part of their day.
This made it easier and more convenient for them to tackle writing daily;
and over the longterm, they produced much more. (Burkeman, p. 181)

Boice's conclusion interests me as a writer, but it can be applied to anything.
It's incrementation at work.

On a Binge Fueled by Coffee
Aurora, Colorado, USA
October 15, 2015
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Another thing I've been thinking about is my long walk,
where I'm currently circumnavigating Greenland.
I started walking on June 9, 2011, three days after I retired,
and from the beginning I recorded the miles I walked and plotted them on maps.

Over the past 11½ years, I've made adjustments in how I calculated my miles walked,
especially when I've had to walk in the house because of bad weather
or even in the hospital because of medical issues.
If I walked 50 feet dragging an IV machine, I recorded those 50 steps!
As of Tuesday, January 2nd, I have walked 8866.9 miles.

Doggedly Determined
Aurora, Colorado, USA
Date Unknown
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I walked from my home in Aurora, Colorado
to St. Anthony on the tip of the Great Northern Peninsula in Newfoundland.
Then I turned around and walked through Labrador to Killiniq, Quebec.
I crossed the Labrador Sea in my "Jesus boots"
and hoofed it to Prins Christianssund in Greenland.
Then I about-turned and started walking clockwise around coastal Greenland,
heading for Ittoqqortoormiit (an idea my friend Pat Hatt had put in my head).
But I fell seriously behind recording the miles on my map.
On Tuesday, when I finally caught up, I discovered 
that I was 789 miles past Ittoqqortoormiit and had reached Tasiilaq!
I only have 420.8 miles to go to reach Prins Christianssund again. 
I'm going to make it this year!!!

Ittoqqortoormiit and Tasiilaq, Greenland
(Prins Christianssund is just left of the SW corner of the London rectangle.)
Flying Home from Reykjavik, Iceland, In-flight Map
September 25, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

This walking project over the years has kept me fitter 
and allowed me to indulge in my love of maps, geography, and learning.
Who knows how far I'll get before I croak? 

So, you see, I have lots of reasons to feel hopeful and optimistic in this new year!

I have one funny face to share with you this week, my great niece Ella's.
Her mother Jeannie captured Ella giving her best impression
of an inflatable Christmas yard decoration.

Photo by Jeannie MacBeath
All Rights Reserved to Jeannie.

Have a great weekend!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

  My next post will be soon! 🤞

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. I love your determination. Incrementatlism is something I need to take on board instead of beating myself up when I fail to achieve the impossible. That final photo of your great niece is a classic too.

    1. Thanks, Sue! I'm discovering that incrementalism is powerful! You and I should make a pact to stop beating ourselves up when we don't measure up to our impossible, self-imposed demands. Ella is a hoot. It's fascinating watching her grow up (too quickly). Have a lovely new year! Hugs to you!

  2. That is an awesome amount of miles walked. Good for you!
    For all the conveniences of the world, they have made us only busier. I am for being less busy and easing my pace.

    1. Right on, Alex! I spend a good 25% of my time using technology on trying to make it work. But there are things I love about it, even if it consumes my time: researching, writing, blogging, photography, YouTube music. Have you heard Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir?" (12/12/2007 Celebration Day London) I've been playing it a lot. May you be less busy this year!

  3. Small steps are like setting small goals. They give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you moving forward.

    1. I'm finding that out, Diane! And after a handful of days you look back and see how far you've come! Happy New Year, my friend!

  4. Good luck with your eigenzeit and incrementalism this year! You can do it!

  5. Ohhh I love this post. It is how I feel about 2024 as well. Everyday is a gift and I am taking by the tail and running with it. I love seeing you beautiful face with that big smile. Your are a force that I can feel right through the PC. Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks, Nicole! I hope that you've had a lovely day too!

  6. I have always admired your positive approach to life Louise - keep on trucking! Loves you - your sister Barb

    1. Loves you too, Barb! I can't wait to see you again!

  7. I am inspired by your positive, hopeful attitude to 2024.

    1. Thanks, Christine! Wishing you a wonderful 2024.

  8. I'm glad you're so optimistic about 2024. Being grateful is so important in life. And I like your idea of setting small goals that are easier to accomplish.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I think gratitude is so important as well. It's so easy to get caught up in what's wrong and forget to see all that is wonderful in our lives. Hugs to you!

  9. You always travel well and enjoy every moment of your life!

    1. I try my best, Roentare! I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  10. Great words. May 2024 be the best ever! I

    1. Thanks, Jeff! I couldn't pick one over the other, so I chose them both. Now my sister Donnie says she's choosing them too. All the best to you!

  11. I'm looking forward to my adventure in 2024.

    1. Yay for you! Have a wonderful 2024 and a great adventure!

  12. Look at you go. Passing the cat's find and moving onward. Just turn around before you hit the ocean lol

    What? Slinging them over your shoulder doesn't work? Pffft. Has for me hahaha although it is tricky getting the second on my other shoulder without letting the first off.

    Sounds like a great way to focus and enjoy the new year. I've always been a do it til it's done person. Then relax. But I'm able to tell myself to go do other things more and more these days.

    1. Hi, Pat! I'm laughing at the image of you trying to get the two toddlers over your shoulders, especially with cats and dogs at your feet. When I hit Prins Christianssund, I'm going to strap on my Jesus boots and walk to Iceland. I'm glad to hear that you telling yourself to do other things more and more these days. I was delighted when I learned you had been in the Big Apple! Take care!

  13. ...Louise, I hope that in the new year you are able to accomplish you goal and stay positive. This year could be filled with challenges and I hope that you make the best of them. Take care and be well and happy.

    1. Thanks, Tom! I fell behind in answering my comments. Too many medical appointments, and we flew to Hawaii on the 14th. I try not to think of all the challenges 2024 could bring. Our world is in a mess right now, and any number of conflicts could spin out of control. All I can do is move forward and remain optimistic. And VOTE! You take care, be well, and happy too!

  14. I love the photo of Ella. Less of your life is before you now, but it could be the most important part of your life--the years in which you use the wisdom you've gained to do the most good. The story of your walk in wonderful.


    1. Hi, Janie! I fell behind answering comments and didn't realize I had so many piled up! Ella is a hoot, and it's going to be fascinating watching her grow into her future. I'm enjoying this part of my life. I've let go of a number of things I used to worry about and I'm focusing on being grateful. I'm glad that you enjoyed the story of my walk. After I make it to Iceland, I think I'm going to walk around the Arctic Circle which is about 9,900miles/16,000 kilometers. We shall see! Have a great weekend. Hugs to you!

  15. dear friend Louise you never seize to to amaze me with your astonishing courage and undefeated wisdom !
    you inspire me with your striking intellect ,with your unimaginable kindness and with your surprising strength !
    reading this i felt like my soul was recharging with super power that was in your words and thoughts behind these beautiful uplifting words !
    special THANKS for this lovely photo of yours who makes me happy as i feel close to you while looking at it !!!
    i have faith that if faith lies within you nature rewards you with eternal inner peace and leads you gently towards your destination . health issues can break one's be devastating for one who lacks faith existing within whether knowingly or unknowingly .but faith does miracle and as they say things that can't break you ,make you stronger !
    i am utterly grateful you came out of it with all the glory that shines because of faith.
    you have gift of love and generosity and God has given you back with best and kindest life partner and beautiful family that loves you!
    if you can make me love you so much with your magical powers this is truly "grace of God" my friend !
    heartfelt best wishes for you ,may you achieve all you have decided to achieve and with huge success hopefully!
    i admire how you have decided to take things slow because this is how we all must respond to our body demands my friend !
    i am very much sure with more understanding you are going to make every good possible in your life !
    wishing you both happy new year full of peace ,health ,joy and glory! hugs

    1. Hi, dear Baili! I'm so sorry that I am just answering your wonderful comment. I fell behind on blogging because in January I had a number of medical appointments, coupled with bad weather and packing to go to Hawaii, which is where I am right now. You always lift me up with your friendship and love. I am so grateful that you are in my life. I feel truly blessed by God, although I think everyone should be so blessed. I hope that your new year has gotten off to a good start. Love and hugs to you!

  16. Those are excellent words. And like the others, I really admire your positive attitude! It's a good example for us all.

    1. Thanks, Leigh! I'm not sure I could function without optimism and hope. I might hide my head under a pillow and not come out ~ lol! I ho[e the new year has gotten off to a good start for you!

  17. Hello lovely!
    I'm sorry I haven't been to visit for a while but I came back for a cracking post!!! You have such a good attitude to your new year and your two words are really great choices. Incrementalism is a great one and reminds us to realise that all progress, no matter how little, is progress! Your walking project (even when ill) is incredible and I am in awe of it!
    Such a cute picture of your great niece!xx

    1. What a delight to hear from you, Kezzie! I'm sorry I'm just replying now! I fell behind in blogging, and now I'm catching up. I've lifted a lot of pressure off my shoulders by focusing on incrementalism. It's making a difference for me. Hugs to you, and all my best wishes!

  18. Wow. This might be one of my favorite posts I've read -- ever. I love your idea of walking and charting the steps to miles to your world! That makes it such fun. And I really appreciate your goals which seem wise and well conceived. But this -- this is what draws me in enough that I copied it and will print it out -- because it is exactly what I try to do every day.

    "Last week a friend asked me how can I be cheery and hopeful,
    given my age and the health issues I have faced since mid-2021.
    I said every day is a gift, and I am grateful for each one.
    The odds of me existing, being born, are incalculable.
    Restart time at the big bang and I would not be.
    How can I not be cheery and hopeful? I got to be."

    I got to be. Yup. I could not agree more. I get the same kind of question my answer is always similar to yours -- every day being a gift. But NEVER have I heard it stated so well as this paragraph. I'm holding that close to my heart -- for the best AND the worst days.

    1. Dear, Jeanie! Your comment made my day! It filled my heart, and I thank you for it. I'm behind on comments, but I'm catching up. I wish you health and happiness, my friend! Hugs to you!

  19. Love the photo of Terry making coffee! And of you with your cup! You have walked so much Louise, I think it's fabulous. I have to get walking again, I've noticed since I got lazy in that way that I'm having some minor health issues. Walking is such a great thing for mind, body and soul!!! ♥

    1. Hi, Rain! As you can see, I've fallen behind again! I thinking walking, moving is so important, so I wish you good walks. I be Jack still appreciates getting out the door, even for a short way. Sending you love and hugs!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.