Thursday, January 18, 2024

You're Seventy-three. You Don't Need a Platypus!

"You're seventy-three.  You don't need a platypus!" 
Terry said as he watched me snuggling a plush puggle 
in the Taronga Zoo's gift store in Sydney, Australia.
He knows me too well. 


"But when I buy something, 
it helps Taronga's work for platypuses 
and other wildlife conservation efforts." 

"Charity begins at home, Babe."
Like I haven't heard that before!

Less than an hour before I had experienced one of the most magical moments of my life:
I had seen a real, live platypus, a puggle named Tilly.
And she captured my heart in a nanosecond!

Tilly, on the Cover of Australian Geographic
November.December 2023

It was a dream come true, something I had promised myself I'd do
when I was a small girl in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada,
and my mother read to me about the duck-billed platypus.
I had finally seen this perplexing creature:  an egg-laying monotreme
that was a mixture of a duck, a beaver, and an otter.

The platypus was such a weird and improbable animal
that the first western scientists who examined them thought they must be a hoax. 
In 1799 zoologist George Shaw was sent the pelt and the bill of a platypus from Australia, 
and he became the first western to describe the strange animal. (atlas obscura)

George Shaw’s Illustration of a Duck-Billed Platypus (1809)

George Kearsley Shaw

Platypuses are monotremes or egg-laying mammals. 
"Mono" refers to single and "treme" to hole so monotreme means "single hole." 
Along with four species of echidnas (spiny anteaters),
they are the only mammals to have a cloaca
or single hole for peeing, defecating, mating, and laying eggs. 

But platypuses' unusual characteristics don't end with egg-laying and cloacas. 
Adult platypuses have no stomach or teeth.

Although they hatch with teeth, platypuses lose them when they start eating solid food.
The teeth are replaced by keratin discs at the back of their jaws which grind their food.

The platypus digestive track includes a small expanded pouch
containing Brunner's glands instead of digestive acids or enzymes.
These glands produce a thick fluid to help the platypus absorb nutrients. 

Platypuses are carnivorous and hunt live prey: 
insect larvae, crayfish (yabbies), small fish, and worms
on the bottoms of rivers, lakes, streams, and ponds.
They eat 20-50% of their body weight in food each day. 
When hunting in the water, the platypus closes its eyes, ears, and nostrils,
and relies on an unusual aquatic sense, electroreception.

Platypuses are one of a very few mammals known to use electroreception to find prey.
The others are echidnas and the Guiana dolphin. 
As a platypus swims, it moves its head quickly from side to side
and locates small electrical signals from its prey.
Thousands of receptors lining its bill pick up the electrical signals. 
(Some platypus sources refer to electrolocation, others to electroreception.)

Infographic of Platypus Electrolocation

This National Geographic video shows a platypus hunting for prey.

Platypuses have other unusual characteristics.
Male platypuses are one of the few venomous mammals on earth.
The venom is produced mostly during mating season
in crural glands that are connected to hollow spurs on their hind legs.
The venom can paralyze small animals.
It won't kill a person, but it causes excruciating pain
that doesn't respond to morphine and can last days, weeks, or months.

The Venomous Spur on the Hind Leg of a Male Platypus

Females platypuses are unusual in that they lack nipples to suckle their young.
Instead, their mammary glands secrete milk which collects in grooves in the mother's skin.
Baby platypuses, or puggles, lap up the milk or suck it from tufts of the mother's fur.

Female platypuses usually don't breed until they are four years old.
After mating the female builds a nest in a burrow located near water.
Following a three-week gestation period, the female lays 1 to 3 eggs.
She will incubate the eggs for about 10 days by pressing them to her belly with her tail.

When the babies hatch, they are the size of a nickel and weigh 50 to 80 grams
The fragile and vulnerable babies remain in the burrow for three or four months,
until they can swim and forage on their own.

Mother with Babies

Tilly, the puggle who captured my heart at the Taronga Zoo, 
cannot have been on her own for very long when she was found
under a bush on the Central Coast of New South Wales.
She was weak, severely malnourished, and covered in ticks.
This made it difficult for her to swim and survive, 
because her waterproofing was impaired.
She couldn't remain buoyant, dry, and maintain her temperature 
properly while she was in the water.

Tilly at Taronga's Wildlife Hospital

Tilly was about four months old and weighed only 280 grams
when Taronga’s Wildlife Hospital admitted her in April 2023.
She began to recover under the expert care of Taronga's platypus team
who fed her by hand 6 times a day for 2 months.
She was named Matilda after Australia's beloved women's soccer team,
the Matildas, which placed 4th in the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2023.
When I saw Tilly in November she was about 10 months old and weighed over 700 grams.

When Terry and I visited the Taronga Zoo on November 10, 2023,
the first thing I did was go to the information desk and ask about the platypuses.
An enthusiastic young volunteer told me to go see Tilly.
"She's a real show girl!  And she loves people," he said.
Then he told us Tilly's story and how she hunts using electrolocation.
We headed her way to the Nguwing nura or Nocturnal Country exhibit,
a place for nocturnal animals which opened in September.

Three Spinifex Hopping Mice
Nguwing nura, Taronga Zoo, Sydney, Australia
November 10, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Tilly was the last animal in the Nocturnal Country exhibit.
At first we could see nothing, and suddenly there she was swimming in figure eights.

She was so small!  
I had always imagined platypuses to be about a yard in length, 
but Tilly was barely over a foot long.  I was shocked!
(I later learned that adult female platypuses are 1.2-1.8 feet/37-55 cm long 
and weight 1.3-3.7 pounds/0.6 -1.7 kg). Australian Museum

Tilly knew right where we were on the left side of her habitat.
She kept swimming in figure eights, and she'd stop right in front of us
and jump straight up and down four or five times,
her bill and head launched perpendicular above the surface of the water.
I felt a powerful connection with Tilly which is what made the experience magical.
After five minutes Terry literally dragged me away.
He thought Tilly was cute,
but the Seal Show was starting soon and he wanted a good seat.

Tilly Starting or Finishing a Figure Eight (Black Spot, Lower Left)
I literally could not see her fast enough to get a good picture with my iPhone
Nguwing nura, Taronga Zoo, Sydney, Australia
November 10, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

The seals were great fun, but I'll take Tilly over them any time.

Spectacular Tricks
 Taronga Zoo, Sydney, Australia
November 10, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I will never forget those magical minutes with Tilly.
They literally were one of the highlights of my life.
Thank goodness for all the people and organizations working to preserve
platypuses and the other amazing Australian animals.

For Rain's TADD, I am sharing a piece of public art in Sydney
known informally as "The Big Matchsticks."
The matches were sculpted by Australian artist Brett Whiteley
who named his creation "Almost Once."
The sculpture is a reflection on life and death
with the burnt out match representing a life well lived.
He gifted it to the Art Gallery of New South Wales in 1991,
shortly before his death in 1992.  cultureshock-adventure

Almost Once
 Art Gallery NSW, Sydney, Australia
November 9, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

For Nicole's FFO, I'm sharing the face of the animal my brother
Roy most wants to see, a Tasmanian devil.

A Tasmanian Devil
Taronga Zoo, Sydney, Australia
November 10, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Have a great weekend!  🌺 Aloha!!! 🌺

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

  My next post will be soon! 🤞

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved



George Shaw’s Illustration of a Duck-Billed Platypus (1809):  General Research Division, The New York Public Library. "Duck-billed Platypus." The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1809.


  1. You are 73 and I think yes you do need a platypus, the toy stuffed kind. I learned lots of interesting stuff in this post, including that males at times have venom. Fascinating.

    1. Thanks, Terra! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I will get back to Taronga Zoo, and the next time I will get a platypus. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I did not know that platypus can secrete venoms!

    1. Hi, Roentare! From what I've read, the venom is extremely painful. Another unusual characteristic is that platypuses are biofluorescent and glow blue green under UV light. They are truly amazing! Have a great weekend!

  3. They are truly magical critters aren't they? There is a wildlife park not far from our home and seeing platypus there thrills my heart. Each and every time.

    1. Roos and platypuses nearby! You are truly fortunate, Sue! Hugs to you!

  4. What a wonderful post. We saw some amazing animals when we lived in Australia, but I never heard of the platypus. It is truly an incredible creation.

    1. Hi, Brenda! A lot of people haven't heard about platypuses. No third grader escaped having me as a teacher without learning about them ~ lol! My mother enriched my life greatly when I was a child. She was curious about everything and never stopped learning until the last few days of her life. Take care!

  5. I knew a lot of weird things about platypuses, but not all of the weird things. Glad you got to see Tilly.

    1. Thanks, Alex! I will never, ever forget Tilly! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. ...Louise, I love your matches! When it comes to platypus I know less than nothing. Have a fabulous weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom! I loved those matches. I had to shoot them from the top of a moving double decker bus. Terry and I both had pneumonia, so for two days in a row, we rode the tourist bus all around Sydney. That we could handle ~ lol!

  7. You do need a platypus! I hope you bought him anyway. Never too old for a stuffed toy. I still have over 100 of mine and it keeps growing.

    1. Good for you, Diane! I have five and I should have bought that stuffed platypus. Now I have to go back to Taronga Zoo ~ hee hee! Have a great weekend!

  8. That zoo looks amazing. I would love to see Tilly. I didn't know platypus didn't have a stomach. They are such unique animals, and I am glad Tilly was rescued and rehabilitated. She sounds like she's quite the diva, and a lucky one too. I also hope you brought home the platypus. Why not? Have a great weekend Louise. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks, Erica! I should have bought that stuffed platypus. When Australians asked us what we saw at Taronga Zoo, they were surprised that we didn't go see the "exotic" animals like elephants and giraffes. They weren't thinking that their animals were exotic to us. Hugs to you, Erika! Have a great weekend too!

  9. How interesting. I now know a LOT more about the platypus. I found this completely fascinating. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, Gene! I'm so glad that you found my post interesting. Our world is an amazing place! Happy weekend to you!

  10. Tilly! What a cutie! I'm glad your girlhood dream to see a platypus was fulfilled -- I love stories like this!

    1. Thanks, Debra! I have one childhood dream left, and that is to visit Petra in Jordan. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the world won't descend into war. Have a great weekend! Hugs to you!

  11. Ohhh what an adventure and a dream come true. I also love the platypus. Thank you for all the information, a lot of it I didn't know. Also thank you for sharing on FFO. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks, Nicole! I'm happy to learn that you love platypuses too! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. We saw wild ones in Eugnella NP in Australia and Ingo has the one from the Australian Geographic as tattoo.
    I have a plush-koala from this very dangerous store ;-) You are NEVER too old for that!
    That matchstick is huge indeed! And the devil is so cute!

    1. Oh lucky you, Iris, to see wild platypuses! And yes, that store is very dangerous ~ lol! Terry did surprise me with a copy of Australian Geographic with Tilly on the cover which he found at the store. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. "You're seventy-three. You don't need a platypus!"

    Of course you do!

    1. Yes, I do, Sandi! And I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy the stuffed platypus. I passed it up, because I was going to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge, a very expensive undertaking. Have a lovely weekend! Hugs to you!

  14. I don't think every seen platypuses, not even zoo.

    1. Hi, Dora! I had to go to Australia to see a platypus in a zoo. Although I have since learned that the San Diego Zoo Safari Park has two. They are wonderful animals. Have a great weekend!

  15. On two trips to Australia I have not seen a platypus, and I doubt now that I ever will. My loss.

    1. I'm sorry that you didn't get to see a platypus, David. Never say never. Life may surprise you.

  16. Fun matchstick exhibit! I always remembered learning about the duck billed platypus.

    1. Thanks, Christine! They're the coolest animals! Have a great day!

  17. Love the Tasmanian devil and the wonderful post and photos of the platypus ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks, Carol! I hope you are having a good week!

  18. I learned SO much I didn't know about platypuses Really fascinating information, too. I wish I could eat 50% of my weight each day and not gain weight!

    Sorry I'm late visiting. High winds knocked my electric out. Nothing worked. Even my heater and hot water heater have electric starts, so the cats and I huddled under blankets until the heat came back on.

    1. Oh how miserable, Elizabeth! I'm glad that you have your electricity back! I wish I could eat 50% of my weight in food too ~ lol! Have a great week!

  19. I don't think one is ever too old for a (plush) animal.
    I learned a lot about the platypus, most I hadn't known before. It must have been so excited to see Tilly.

    1. It was, Carola! and now I want to go back and see her again! Thanks for visiting!

  20. This is fascinating, Louise. I've never seen a platypus and know so little about them but I love how they look and your background was just fascinating. Oh, to have those magical moments -- and they are. They are beyond joy. Thanks for sharing about Tilly. I most definitely learned something today!

    1. I'm so glad, Jeanie! Magical moments are one of the things that make life worth living! Wishing you magical moments!

  21. They are sure one if the weirdest animals on the planet. One hole for everything is very umm efficient lol

    Never knew they had venom. The more you learn about them, the weirder they seem. Like 10 animals mashed into one.

    Great you got to see one. Tasmanian devil is neat too. Too bad Terry didn't let you have your plushie hahaha probably wouldn't fit in carry on? Lol

    1. You're right, Pat! My carryon was bursting! But I will get back to Taronga and I will buy a stuffed platypus! Take care, my friend!

  22. Wow this animal looks really strange - and if you see it in real it must be a fascinating experience. In german we call it "Schnabeltier" . Have a good time and all the best

    1. All the best to you, Violetta! Thanks for visiting!

  23. WOW that is astonishing but amusing fact I wasn't aware of completely .
    Dear Louise thanks for sharing. I at first couldn't get what is in the image but when read further it was surprising that such weird looking creature exist actually. Australia indeed is full of many natural wonders WOW!
    You saw it this is more fun .
    I can't agree the last line of the article (link) that who allowed this to exist in the world?
    Now this must be a joke otherwise we are here because God allowed us .I believe there is much existing we aren't aware of.
    Always praying for you my precious friend!
    Health peace and happiness to you both and to loved ones ❤❤❤


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.