Sunday, April 21, 2013

Signs of Spring

Finally some warm weather and sunshine!

Looking West Toward the Mountains
from Heritage Eagle Bend

I went for a long walk today 
before the next go~round
of cold and possible snow.

Signs of spring are appearing
in our park along Piney Creek.

It was sheer joy to walk
and take pictures in the welcome warmth.
Here are a few of my captures:

 A Pair of Mallards at the Middle Pond

Frisky Mallards

Bottoms Up!

Mallard Stretches

Mallard Antics

Ducklings to Follow, I Hope!

Enjoying the Sun at the Middle Pond

Finally Some Fresh Green

Cottonwoods and Very Dry Grasses

Let There Be Leaves!
Cottonwood Buds

A Sure Harbinger of Spring

This Male Robin Is Cock of the Walk!

Middle Pond

There You Are!
Those Silhouetted Ears Are a Dead Giveaway

What Lovely Ears You Have!

New Grass!

Pretty Girl

Enjoying the Reprieve from Snow

Cumulus Congestus
Precipitation and Wind on the Way

Free Show Every Day

I Love Colorado Skies!

I am so ready for long walks with my camera!
Thanks for joining me on my walk!


  1. Lots of great nature shots
    Sure beats robots
    And all the crap
    That they make take a lap
    Around and around
    That is easily found
    And lol an arse in the air
    That has such flair

    1. Hi Pat!
      Every day you make me smile
      with your awesome rhyming style!

  2. Great photos! Yes, those mallard ducks look frisky indeed!

    1. I did a little research into mallard reproduction, after I read your comment, Debra. Who knew I interrupted a bedroom scene? ~ not me! Something new to learn every day!

  3. I loved going for a walk with you. Some day we should actually walk together.... do you realize we live about 6 miles apart?!!!
    Your duck couple is so cute!

    1. Hi Dreaming. Thank you for your kind words! And yes we should definitely go for a walk together. That would be fun!
      Not today though! We're back to winter again, and I'm hugging my space heater. Stay warm and cozy today!

  4. Such beautiful spring pictures!! That one Mallard looks like it's trying to sink the other one haha!! I love the beautiful Robins.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words, Keith. That's what I thought about the drake ~ that he was trying to sink the female. At one point he had her well under the water. I later found out that they were mating! It did not look like fun, and that poor female looks so wild-eyed! Thank you for appreciating the robin! They are hard to catch! Have a good one!

  5. The mallards have such beauty when the colours are reflected from all angles. I'm sure I hear them in our marshlands behind our place along the Canada Trail. Must go for a walk there soon.
    Your skies are remarkable ~~ blue upon blue upon accented with the magnificent clouds ~~~~ MMmmmmmmMMM!
    The cottonwoods are 'a popping ~~~ the colours will be so sweet there as well ~~ close ups please!
    Our temps keep fluctuating ~~ mean ol' spring this year ~~~ I'm heading out to rake, prune and take macro pictures of the little spring gems that are flowering now. I saw a Bloodroot in bloom last eve ~~~ I sure hope it's still showing of this a.m. because they don't last very long at all.

    Cheers for this glorious week ahead!


    1. Hi Ron!
      I hope you are enjoying your garden.
      Our week has gone seriously downhill since Sunday afternoon. We're back in winter again with at least three inches of new snow on the ground. Terry called and said his ride into work was horrible ~ icy, icy, icy!

      I'll be heading into the park almost daily ~ definitely not today! The cottonwoods only "bloom" a few days, and I want to find out if my tree from last November is a male or a female.

      I caught the mallards mating on Sunday, so I'm going to be on the lookout for ducklings in the near future. They'll probably hatch when I'm in Hawaii. :( I have to do some serious looking into all of this.

      Have a happy day, and I hope you saw your bloodroot showing off.

  6. Thanks for the walk Louise!! What a beautiful area you live in! And I see what you mean about Colorado skies!! WOW!
    Great shots of the ducks and looks like there will be many more in the near future!!!

    1. Hi Jim! I hope that your day is going well! I've finally begun to sort through my poster collection which is massive. I found a cloud chart that I had forgotten! I was so excited! I'm going to post it on the wall to help me interpret clouds. It uses "The International Figure Code." Something else to learn about! I didn't realize those mallards were "doin' it!" I've since done a little research into the topic. Live and learn! :)

  7. WOW you captured a lot of good sights! I appreciate the signs of Spring!

    1. Hi Laeli! Thank you for your kind words! My spring hopes have been dashed ~ We have at least three inches of new snow on the ground this morning, and it's still falling, albeit in tiny, tiny flakes. And I'm hugging my space heater here in my study! I keep thinking about your trip to Peru, and I can't wait to see what you post! I'll be off to Hawaii soon, but not Maui. We're headed for Sunset Beach on the north shore of Oahu. I'm sure my notes won't be as comprehensive and your report on your Maui trip ~ but I shall try! Have a good one!

  8. Oh, I love all the photos ~ I almost feel like I was walking along with you. I'm such a sucker for Mallards ~ those little curly feathers near their bottoms always make me smile. They have no clue how darn cute they are!!! And those deer....oh my goodness! Hope the green and warmer weather continues, Louise!!!

    1. Hi Audrey! Your comments are always so uplifting! Green and warmer weather lasted until about noon yesterday ~ maybe twenty-four hours! We're at the lag end of another snow storm ~ 18 degrees outside and light snow right now with a high of 37 forecasted for the late afternoon. 70+ by Saturday, so there is hope! I don't think our 3+ inches are going to hang around come tomorrow morning. I love mallards too! I've taken lots of pictures over the past few years of them and the deer. Now if I could just catch a good picture of a muskrat! Have a warm and happy day!

  9. Hi Fundy, It is Barb - I love the photos but know I am homesick for Colorado - I am usually walking with you along the creek this time of year:( Next year for sure!

    PS: Mallards are my favorite ducks & represent home to me far more than Loons or Canada Geese - I don't know why ...

    1. Yes, Barb!!! Come next spring!!!!! And before too!!! I do love mallards ~ but loons really do it for me. They were the soundtrack for my time in the north. But mallards are so darn cute! I'm almost finished my next northern post. I had a major break though in the scanning department, and figured out the solution to a problem that has been driving me crazy for ages! I am a happy camper. Hoping you're closing in on 100%!

  10. Hello Louise,
    Lovely photographs, that first picture is amazing - what a view! Happy the Spring has arrived there!

    1. Hi Ivan! Thank you for the kind words. Spring has flown the coop though ~ we're back into winter again ~ snow and ice and dreary, raw weather. Any time now, the sun will bust out, and it will warm up. Thank God, this winter bout won't last long. I hope you are having a warm, sunny, and fragrant day in France!

  11. Hello Louise! Thank you so much for dropping by my blog, your lovely message and for becoming a follower! I see some wonderful photos in yours, too, of things I don't come by in the place I live!Beautiful!

    1. Hi Rose. Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! And such kind words! Thank you! Thank you! I'm looking forward to exploring your blog. You have such a gorgeous name, Rose Fern!

  12. What absolutely gorgeous skies! Here in Wisconsin we too are anxiously waiting for spring. Let's hope it comes soon. :)

  13. All you need now are the leaves!!
    The grass looks dry indeed, I hope you get enough rain bring the green needed!
    The deer's ears are huge! Ours don't have them that large!
    Great pictures I especially like the male Robin, ours looks much duller without this orange colouration!
    Great lively skies too!
    Enjoy your day, Fundy!

  14. Thank you, Noushka! Your words about my robin and sky photos make my day! I hope that you are having a super day in France!

  15. The animals are so sweet, I wish I could pet them!! You are so clever at taking pictures! Thank you so much for your birthday wishes :D

  16. Hi Rebecca! I'm so sorry! I just found your kind comment now! I'm glad that you enjoyed my animal photos! I have so much fun taking them. Have a happy day!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.